Begin Playing Level Skills
Gods & Goddesses Alignment
Leveling Up Psychic (PSI) Abilities
Attributes Fighting
Suicide The Tribunal
Quests Duels
Jumps Armor & Weapons
Placing Bets Pets
Shops & Services Email Addresses
Free Form Role Play Marriage & Families
Updates Character Backgrounds
Banishment Off-Duty GMs
Multi-Character Law ..

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Where do I start?

I suggest you start by reading the Game Intro. This is where you'll find the absolute basics.

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What are Level Skills?

Try reading the Level Skills page.

All characters upon reaching levels 4, 8, 12 and 16 get the level skill which goes with that level of experience. A level 4 skill which is a dodge ability and can be used twice in a quest, a level 8 skill which is a powerful attack that can be used once per quest regardless of whether its successful or not, a level 12 which is a full cure that can be used once per quest, and a level 16 skill which is a pwerful attack that can be used once in a quest regardless if it is successful or not.

The reason we don't use that many "skills" in the game is because no two characters are the same. Though you may be a thief you can still use a Great Sword providing you have the strength rating to use it. All races will have certain special natural abilities but only those that are listed and cleared by the HeadGM.

All players begin this game at level one and only weapons, armor, spells, etc provided by the stores at Nessus are allowed.

We do this for the simple reason of fair play.

We do not tolerate power players. All abilities and items, etc have to be earned.

**NOTE*** Once you have chosen a profession, that is what you are. If you change your class, you will lose all experience and return to Level 1. You will lose any hit points or stat points you have earned for rising levels. You will keep any money you have earned but will be forced to pawn any spells or items not appropriate to your new class.

The only exception is if your class is dropped from the game. You may then choose a new class without losing levels or experience points. In this case spells will be pawned at full purchase price.

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Where are the Gods and Goddesses?

Nessus does not have official gods or goddesses that are role played by GMs. If you choose to worship a god or goddess that is acceptable, but do not expect them to show up in the game or give you special abilities or powers. We ask also that you do not chose gods from other RPGs such as TSR� for the simple fact they are copyrighted and are not allowed here. Deities are strictly NPC.

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Where do I list my characters Alignment?

In Nessus, just like in real life, there is no clear line of good and evil. That is why we don't ask what your character's alignment is. Good and evil are defined differently by different societies. Nessus is a melting pot for the universe therefore it does not validate one societies views over anothers.

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What Limits are There on Character Backgrounds?

Try reading This.

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Can I Have Psychic Abilities?

PSI, ESP, and other "mind" powers are not permitted in this game since it's conception. It was decided early on that such powers are easily power played and the system is not set up to accomodate such powers nor will it be. So please, no letters asking for such powers.

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What are Attributes?

We use a system of attributes, more commonly known as stats. The maximum stat in each attribute of a Level One is 25, and minimum is 5. No exceptions.

There are 8 stats primarily used within this game, those being:

Hit Points and Magic Points (HP and MP):Each new character is given 100 points to distribute between Magic points and Hit Points. No one ever has unending magic and everytime a spell is cast and is Successful, it takes MP from the user. So, if during a quest or duel you use your MP alloment up, you can no longer use magic in that quest or duel.

These rules are also in effect for HP. If you are struck or injured in a quest or duel, your HP will be diminished and when it hits "0" you are dead. A player has the option to flee a quest or surrender in a duel before this happens,so keep track of your hits points. GMs do provide resurrection.

Your hit points and magic points are automatically replenished at the end of a quest or duel. We also have set limit on "lives". This number is 25. Everytime you lose a life, one point will be removed from this number even if you are resurrected. The number of lives is listed on your character sheet. This number does not mean you will always or can be resurrected, you can still be permanently killed off. Once this number reaches "0", your character will be moved to the Bone Yard (if you have been in a Perma Duel and lost) or moved to the Retired Merc section.

Str or Strength: Strength primarily comes into play with weapons that are hand held and do not use projectiles. Swords, staffs, axes, etc fall under this category.

Dex or Dexterity: Dex comes into play primarily with projectile weapons such as guns, bow and arrows, missle launchers, etc and also comes into play when dodging an opponent or picking a lock.

Int or Intelligence: Int comes into play primarily with spell casting and problem solving.

Health: Health indicates a characters overall physical well being and fitness.

Will or Will Power: This indicates a characters overall mental strength and how draining casting magic is on him.

Luck: This stat is used with anything your attempts, whether building, fighting, etc. Lady Luck is always smiling down influencing your character's life.

The above was a rough explanation of attributes. Each class has a minimum stat requirement. You will find more info on attributes Here.

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Where can I Fight?

Now many of you may wonder how so many races get along without fighting. Well that's an easy one to answer; they don't. Fight's break out all the time just like in real life but we do have rules about it.

You are not to engage in lethal combat in the main chat room with other PC's. We have a room #Vega to handle duels if fights go that far and GMs to monitor them. If you persist in picking fights and killing other characters in there, you will be banned.

We know we can't stop everyone from yelling back and forth but the key words there are "back and forth". Verbal battles should be handled just like physical ones. When 1 combatant is done the fight is over. Players should know when to quit running their mouths. If they don't know when to quit they risk being kicked for harrassment. Verbal battles can be entertaining but once one person gets bored with it the other should stop. Having fun by ruining the fun of others isn't acceptable behavior. Players which sit around insulting people all the time are fine and dandy as long they verbally spar with people that can take it.

If at anytime you get in a physical or verbal fight in the chat room and do not stop when asked by either the other player ooc or a GM you will be kicked. Fight with peeps that want to fight, leave others alone.

If you keep on coming back to only start fights or verbally harrass people your Character will be killed off by The Tribunal (aka the GM's) and you will be banned from both the web page and room and you will stay that way until you show you are willing to role play and not just start fights.

We are harsh about fighting and bickering because it more often than not becomes OOC and is a room disrupter, as others there may want to RP and not watch BS.

No murder done in the city of Nessus will be acknowledged and the victim will never be considered dead, if you rp travelling to another world, all bets are off, as you will be considered no longer in the city and free to kill anyone you want (excluding PC's).

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Whatare the Rules on Suicide?

Anyone who role plays out a suicide attempt, regardless whether they roll or not, or if they are in the pub or other Nessus chatrooms, will be considered successful and their character is perma dead. To bring back this character, a player must pay a $5000 resurrection fee to come back.

I am harsh with this as I am sick and tired of players coming in threatening and performing the suicide thing for attention or to manipulate other characters. It is pointless, fruitless, lame, and basically stupid.

Note: Things which might be considered suicidal might not fall under this rule. Attacking a Dragon alone with no armor and a toothpick as a weapon would be an example of one situations that wouldn't fall under this rule. There is no penalty for being stupid. The main factor which will bring the suicide rule into play is guilt. If the threat of suicide is being used to either manipulate people or get attention this rule will be strictly enforced. Find alternative strategies.

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What is the Tribunal?

Nessus has what is called "The Tribunal" which consists of GMs. These GMs (Game Masters) are there to answer questions, run quests and duels, and monitor the rooms. Each GM has the GM tag on their nick so you will easily spot them (ie GMassacre- or GMuse). No nick with GM on their name will be acceptable unless they are employed by Nessus and appears on The Tribunal list, found under the link "Groups". If this tag appears on your name, you will be asked to leave the room or change your nick.

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What are Quests?

Quests are run in real time by GMs and/or players in the channel #TheNexus. GM ran quests are worth from $100/100exp to $200/200exp for participating characters. Player ran quests are worth $75/75exp. All quest info such as the players names and how much they were awarded must be emailed to [email protected] for updating.

GMs will award extra experience and/or money to those individuals who participate in the storyline or make decisions that effect the progress of the quest.

Items may not be given as rewards by GM's or players. Everything which appears on a character's sheet must be purchased from the games shops. No exceptions.

Sometimes, GMs will incorporate large amounts of money or large weapons as part of the storyline and these stay with the story and are not placed on a characters sheet. (See item intro page)

Characters can be killed in quests so be prepared to have your resurrection fee available at time of quest. **For info on resurrection, please see "Nessus Gaming System" and "Duel Rules"

NOTE: Many times these quests are storylines being played out. If you are there observing and not playing, consider yourself OOC and any info gleaned from such said quest is not valid. Also, logs are considered OOC in such said cases.

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What are Duels

Duels are usually one on one fights between individual players. Real time duels are held in #Vega by a GM. The settings for these duels vary from GM to GM.

Duels are run if a skirmish breaks out that needs an immediate duel or when a GM volnteers his time to run them. Only a duel GM may over see a duel for it to count toward experience and money.

A player may only duel twice a day with the same GM.

The winner of a duel receives $100 and 100 exp, the loser $50 and 50 exp. If a player yields in a duel, they receive $25 and 25 exp.

Once in a while, multi-player duels break out in free for all brawls. The one left standing receives the 100/100 and the others receive 50/50. If a tag team match is held, the winning team splits the 100/100 and the losing team splits the 50/50. Characters can die in duels.

Level skills are not allowed to be used in duels. These level abilities were meant for quests. Please refer to the Duel Rules for further information.

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What are Jumps?

Jumps are are attacks made by one player or players against another player/players and happen spontaneously. Here are the guidelines:

1. You ARE ALLOWED to jump in a quest on your turn and if the person you jump is questing also.
2. You ARE ALLOWED to jump in duels if the person you are jumping is fighting. NO jumping anyone not questing/dueling and who is there observing said quest/duel.
3. Anyone jumped gets a defense.
4. You MAY ONLY jump the same person one time per day.
5. You must message the GM before you attempt a jump and request permission. The GM has every right to say no, however, if a GM allows 1 jump he must allow them for the rest of the quest. If running duels a GM should state when the session begins whether jumps will be allowed or not. He must stick to this through out the session.

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Can Armor and Weapons be Broken?

Armor and weapons are not invincible nor will they be automatically replenished after a quest or battle. The equipment repair rules are handled by GM's discretion. He has the option of either providing free repair or charging 10% purchase price for repair of damaged equipment. Characters may no repair their own equipment.

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How do I Place Bets on Duels?

Optionally a GM may allow bets to be placed before a duel. The limit to betting is NO MORE then $50. The GM running the event will take the bets or designate a person to take them before the contest starts. The only one allowed not to bet on the contest is the GM running it. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Participants may bet on themselves but not their opponent as that leaves room for a person to throw a fight.

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Can I Have Pets?

Pets may be brought into #Nessus and interract with other players and their owners but will not be allowed to travel with questers in quests or help in duels, or in any other manner. If a player does this, the pet suffers Instant Pet Death. Bye bye Skippy. You may resurrect your pet after a quest but the price is $100,000,000 so you had better keep Fido home. Nessus is based on a portal system, so any transportation (ie- horses, cars, trucks, etc) that will be needed will be provided by the GM once you have entered the world you are to quest in.

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Can I Create My Own Shops and Services?

Shops selling items and weapons which can be placed on a character's sheet are owned only by the city itself.
Players are allowed to set up a rp shop offering services such as a clothing designer or tattoo artist and charge other players for services rendered.
You must clear your service idea with [email protected] first, and if approved, any service rendered must be sent in to [email protected] to be updated. No prostitution please.
Please include customer name and how much the service costs. The customer must send in an email also agreeing. (ie Bob emails: Sally got a tattoo from me and I charged her $120..Sally mails: Bob gave me a tattoo, I owe him $120)

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What is SoandsoGM's Email Addy?

The email addresses for the GMs of Nessus can be found under "Groups" link on the game page. Once inside, just click on "The Tribunal" link then scroll down to the list of "GMs and their Duties". Just click on the name of the GM you wish to contact and write your message. Note: the email addy posted there for GMassacre- is his private email address and should never be used for any character update or character sheet alteration needs. Send those requests to [email protected]

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What is Free Form Role Play?

While Nessus is primarily a systemized game, free form role playing is encouraged. The chatroom/channel #Nessus is set in a city, but you are not limited to this setting to role play your character. You are free to take your character outside the city through a portal and "play" on any world whether it be one presented by the game or one of your own making. The only limitations we set is that your character only has powers, weapons, abilities, spells, etc located on your character's sheet and that you stay within the bounds of the game.

You do not have to roll the dice when free form playing a fight with a NPC (ie you are out traveling the universe and a group of monsters jump you) In this scenario, you can play getting the crap kicked out of you or beat them all down yourself. The only time dice is needed during free form role playing is when your character is doing something that effects the entire game. Anytime you wish to role play something out that will effect the entire game or will be added to the game in someway you must contact [email protected] first to get approval.

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Can I get Married and have Kids?

Characters may be married and have children within this game. Players may ask any GM to perform the wedding ceremony, just freeform it with an NPC priest or whatever, or just say "ok we are married now". GM run ceremonies are held in #thetribunal. We have no stipulations of who can marry who. Same sex, different race, multi partners, etc are all allowed. Divorces are also done by the GMs and only requires one person in the marriage to wish it done. Pregnancy is allowed, but does have some stipulations. Most of those are covered in the "RP Behavior" link under Rules link. A pregnancy must be role played out at least three weeks irl time.

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When will Updates be Done?

All updates are done within three days of receiving them via email (baring technical problems). GMs send in quest, duel, etc results. Stores, the character generator, etc are all auto sent to the updaters. Players need only to mail in where they wish points placed when their character goes up a level (see Experience Table link) or when they have received monies by services rendered such as role playing out giving someone a tattoo.

Anything that needs to be updated or changed on character sheets must be mailed to [email protected]. Non update related gaming inquiries can be sent to [email protected].

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How do I Level Up?

Each character levels up by garnering experience points primarily through questing and dueling. You may also earn experience points by submitting ideas that are incorporated into the game.

Please see Experience Table link for more information about leveling up.

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What is Banishment?

If your character is arrested in the city of Nessus he will be banished from the city for awhile. The amount of time will depend on the situation. You may rp wandering around a world or choose not to play your character during this period. You cannot sneak into the city, or bribe a someone to let you back in. The portals are monitored 24-7 and no soldier is going to risk his life to let banished people in before their time. Banished individuals are barred from questing, dueling, or interacting in character wih people still in the city.

Note: This rule is to keep players from running amok in the city. Save your crimes for other worlds where you can do anything you want. There are plenty of NPCs to kill and cities to destroy in the universe. Leave Nessus and it's citizens alone.

Note: Banishment is IC. This is not the same as a ban for OOC reasons.

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Can I ask Off-Duty GMs Questions?

I understand that problems and questions arise which only GMs or a specific GM can answer. However, a few things must be realized when these situations arise.

GMs are players too. They want to play just like everyone else. Their commitment and skill at RPing is why they were chosen to be GMs. This is a game which relieves stress and provides a place to kick back and play with others who enjoy RPing. Constant questions and complaints make that hard if not impossible to do. Common courtesy is expected and will be required.

GMs are not paid to be GMs. This is not a job, they are volunteers. They are GMs simply because they want to be and have the ability to be. Player harrassment and whining makes the task of being a GM much less appealing. Without GMs there is no game. With no game, players will be forced to go elsewhere. If players wish to go elsewhere then they are free to do so. Please do it with out driving our GMs away.

Most questions and/or complaints can be handled through E-mail. Simply send in what you want to ask or say and it will be read. If a meeting is required, a GM will set a time and date for one when it is convenient for them. Players who waste GM time requesting meetings on topics which can be handled through E-mail will quickly find they are no longer granted meetings or responded to in E-mail. GMs have many responsibilities so they don't have time to waste on nonsense.

A GM is only on duty when they are in their GM nick. Example: Sally is not the same as SallyGM. One is a character. One is a GM. There is a difference and it must now be recognized. Players who bother GMs who are off duty will have their characters penalized 100/100.

Players who ignore this rule consistently will be seen as a disruption to the game and banned from participating indefinately. Note: This goes for GMs as well. Game business is to be conducted though E-mail, when players are in uniform, or in GM meetings. The 100/100 penalty applies to everyone. GMs should know why this rule is now in place and show the respect they want for themselves.

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Can I Give $$ or Items to My Second Character?

The interchanging of goods and monies between your own two registered characters is strictly forbidden. Nessus was built to be fair and everything is to be earned. Those who register two nicks, play one and then transfer goods from second nick to first then dump second character, only to reg a new one to continue this trend will soon find themselves banned from the game. Such activity is cheating, poor sportsmanship, and just plain lazy. We allow people to register and play two characters for their own role playing enjoyment. This is a priviledge that can and will be revoked if people find themselves cutting corners to go up in levels.

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�2001 Joe Pombo

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