<BGSOUND SRC="http://cmbsoftware.com/webmidi/jingle2.mid">
December 2001/January 2002 Edition
*The Tune you are hearing on your computer (if you have speakers on your computer) is Jingle Bells!*
It's Mostly Christmasy around here!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Or, if you want to be funny.....Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!
Christmas Quote:

If there is no joyous way to give a festive gift, give love away.

Newsletter Staff:
Vanessa "Nessie" Reynolds, Editor
The Editor's Biography
It's basically just me working on the newsletters right now. You want to help?
Click Here to E-Mail Me!

Message Board Moderators:
Ashley "Ash" Winkler, Best Friend
Shane "Milliena" Simmons
Kimberley "Reepacheep" Allen
Justin "The Sonic God" Resse

Note from the Editor:
December 22nd,2001

I cannot believe all the things that have gone on since 9/11. People have been like so generous to everyone. I haven't seen that in a long time. Also, Christmas.......a holiday that will be celebrated differently this year than all the other years because of 9/11.........or so we think. One e-mail I got might change your views on things. It was also one of the few e-mails that was sent to me via [email protected]. And you know the questions from the old e-mail form? The results and a few of the e-mails will be included in this issue. As for my "advice" column, Miss Nessie didn't get too many e-mails @ [email protected] But Miss Nessie got a question from one of her friends about love. Love, my friends, is tricky. Not too many people know how it works. All we know is that one day it can make you feel good and break your heart the next. That's just how it goes. My friend wanted to know which guy she should ask out. She told me (Miss Nessie) about the two guys, and asked me for a decision. Me, the 14 year old teenage chick who doesn't (unfortunately) have a clue about boyfriends. (Hint: I'm single!) So, I am giving my friend this advice:

Whatever your heart decides.
*I have decided not to give the name of my friend because I don't think she would want you to know who she is.* This is why Miss Nessie has decided not to take on advice on love. I don't know too much about it, and I don't want to lead you in the wrong direction. Sorry.

On a more happier note, this newsletter is going to much longer and will have more features than the other ones. I hope you will enjoy it. I also hope you will continue to send me more e-mail. Remember, YOUR e-mails, not mine, make the newsletter! Thanks!


Winter Break
By : Vanessa Reynolds

Winter Break came on Friday, December 21st, 2001 for me and my friends. It was an excellent day. It was a day of chilling, hangin out, and having fun. Also eating. There was lots to eat. One class, it was popcorn and pretzels, the next class was pizza, another one had cupcakes. It was awesome. I have been waiting for Winter Break since like, two whole weeks ago. (Yeah, I know, a REALLY LOOOOOONG time.........) Now I am on my Winter Break. It's ok right now. Checking my e-mail........not much. It's mostly junk mail. Click here to send me some e-mail......NOW! Winter Break is great! If you want to find out more about my views on Winter Break, feel free to view my online diary at:

By: Vanessa Reynolds

This year, Christmas will probably be the same as it is for me and my family like it is every year. We eat, give thanks, and give each other presents. I want a CD Burner for Christmas so I can put the music that I have online to CDs that I can play in my room and on the go. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm getting one. But if I'm not getting a CD Burner, I hope I get cooler clothes! Nessie needs cooler clothes..........

I also found some excellent links about Christmas. I hope you like them! Thanks!

Christmas Links:
E-Mail Santa Claus!
Elf Bowling! Cool Game
Make Your Own Virtual Snowman! (Requires WinZip to download)
Christmas Freebies!

How Christmas Works!
Christmas in NYC--Click Click!
Free Christmas Greetings from 123Greetings.com
Charles Dickens--A Christmas Carol
Christmas Scenes Screen Scenes Screen Saver
And you can find tons more in.....
Google Search for Christmas
Yahoo! Search for Christmas
MSN Search for Christmas
AltaVista's Search for Christmas
Lycos's Search for Christmas
Looksmart's Search for Christmas
Goto.com/Go.com/Overture Search for Christmas
*Please make sure to use the Back and Next buttons to navigate through this edition!*

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©2001-2002 Vanessa "Nessie" Reynolds
The Nessie Express Newsletter Editor, Webmaster
E-mail The Editor
Use the Editor's E-Mail Form
The Editor Feels............
The current mood of nessieexpress@yahoo.com at www.imood.com
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