Chapter 12

Justin was left alone again. He looked over Cass's face and scooted his chair closer to the bed. Her face had a relaxed look because of the sedatives. Carson will pay for this, Justin thought as he lifted a hand up to brush some hair off her face. Even if she was unconscious, Justin still thought she was beautiful. He just wondered how he felt this way so quickly. He went from hating her to liking her practically less than an hour. It was harsh that he had shooed Lance and Mandie out but he had to. They had a date and it wasn't going to be ruined. He turned on the TV to TRL and noticed it was the part he was supposed to be on.

"Ok now we have a caller from our own New York."

"Hi Carson."

"Mandie? Is that you?"

"Yah it question is for you get a kick out of poisoning teenagers?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Carson put on this innocent face as he looked straight into the camera.

"Don't give me that crap, you put sedatives in Cass's water, and don't think you're getting away with it," Mandie threatened and you could hear a click.

"Yeah! She got him!" he exclaimed, staring at the TV and not hearing the heart monitor start to go down and stop.

"Shit," he flipped out his cell and dialed Mandie's cell as doctors ran in.

"Hello?" Mandie laughed into her phone.

"Hey its me�by the way good going with Carson... "

"What's up J?"

"Cass's heart monitor�"

"Don't finish," she clicked off her phone and started to tear up Lance wrapped her in his embrace there in the middle of the car, "I don't know what I'll do if I lost her, Lance," she cried out.

The doctor's started yelling "Clear!" as they put the shockers on her. 2 times after the shockers were put to her chest, a faint heartbeat came back up on the monitor.

"Yes! We got her back!" the doctors exclaimed and Justin immediately called Mandie back, letting her know she was alright.

"Thank you god," Mandie sighed, letting herself stop crying in Lance's arms, "I didn't lose her yet."

Justin smiled as he shut his cell off, looking over at Cass and the doctors. One of them walked over and told him, "She will be waking up yet. She may be a little let's say out of whack, so don't be too harsh on her."

"All right."

Lance held onto Mandie's hand as they sat by the river watching the sunset, "Wow this is amazing!" she said looking up in to the sky.

"Yeah I know, and I love being here with the prettiest girl I've ever met," Lance looked over at her and smiled.

"Yeah sure," Mandie looked down, giving him a doubtful smile.

"Why else would you be going out with me?" Lance joked.

"Ha ha, very funny, chauvinist," Mandie slapped his shoulder lightly and Lance caught her hand before she left it fall.

Her smile turned into a serious look and she looked into Lance's eyes, "You have beautiful eyes," She said sweetly.

"As do you," he replied in a southern drawl.

'God, why doesn't he kiss me?' she thought and it was like he read her mind. He leaned over and gave her a quick, sweet kiss.

"What was that for?" she asked when he pulled away.

"I'm psychic," he laughed as he leaned in again and kissed her more passionately. Mandie moved her hands to the nape of his neck and played with his hair while lance put his strong arms around her waist the kiss continued and they were interrupted by the ringing of Mandie's cell.

"Mandie Monroe," she answered, "Excuse me but I'm a little busy here."

"Yeah, I could tell," Justin replied, "You're probably making out with Lance, huh?"

"Ha ha, hair boy, so how's Cass?" she asked, pulling out of Lance's embrace.

"She's doing okay... but has Carson called you?"

"Umm no why?"

"Cuz he called me and started cussing at me for ruining his chance with you or Cass."

"He wanted a chance with Cass? That sick pig!" she exclaimed, practically jumping up and Lance starting to get a little alarmed.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Justin replied, "Mandie, don't tell Lance or anything, but I'm starting to feel a little...ummm...I can't tell."

"You're what? Oh my god! I know what's going on!" Mandie squealed, "You like Cass!"

"Mandie, shhh... Lance is there."

Mandie quickly covered her mouth. "Oops I think he heard me. Shit, I didn't want him to know," Mandie replied, looking over at Lance who was giving her a shocked face.

"I knew it! I knew it!" Lance exclaimed, starting to jump up himself.

"No you didn't," Mandie started to giggle, returning the phone back to her ear, "So, how is she?"

"They said she's just about to wake up, do you want to come back and see her? Or do you want to leave me here with temptation?" he started laughing.

"I think me and Lance will finish our date and then we will drop by ok?" she looked over to Lance.

"Alrighty, I'll see you then bye."

"Bye" Mandie clicked her phone off and slowly walked over to Lance and put her arms around his neck, "Where were we?"

"I think I know," Lance replied as he sealed his lips upon hers, totally forgetting about the phone call.

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