Chapter 11

He ran back inside quickly and looked for his bodyguard but some fans managed to follow him in. He ran upstairs to the green room and grabbed Tiny, "Hurry let get out of here�I've been seen."

"Okay, let's roll," Tiny followed and they also grabbed Lonnie and started to push the fans away. Justin was worried for Cass's safety as he tried to shake her shoulder gently. No response.

Shit, what is Mandie going to think I did to her? he thought to himself as he finally got to his car safe. He placed Cass in the backseat and whispered to her, "You'll be okay."

She still didn't respond and Justin got into his car, "Come on Tiny."

"Should I radio Smokester... tell him what happened."

"Yeah, I'd suggest you do that," Justin got into the driver's seat, Tiny taking the seat next to him and Lonnie squeezed himself next to Cass's sprawled out figure.

Tiny pulled out his cell phone and told Smokey everything as Justin pulled out. He started driving through the traffic of Times Square, worried for Cass. He didn't know what exactly happened, but he felt like Carson was responsible. But for what?

When Smokey told Mandie everything that happened she freaked out, "Are they taking her to the hospital?"

"Yah," He replied calmly.

Mandie did a u-turn and Lance freaked a little, "We're going to the hospital," She yelled when she saw Lance's face.

"What? Why?" Lance exclaimed.

"Cass went unconscious!" Mandie yelled as she sped to get back into Times Square and find Justin's car.

"Mandie, don't go so god damn fast!"

"Shit, why'd this have to happen?" Mandie sighed as she sped fast enough so that she caught up to Justin's car.

"Justin said Carson might have done something to her," Smokey told her and Mandie's head could have exploded.

"Fuck," She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Mandie calm down" Lance said quietly.

"HA my best friend is in the hospital and you want me to calm down? I don't think so," She yelled again.

Lance felt a little dizzy from how fast she was going but he understood, "Let's just hope she's okay," Lance tried to stay calm but in reality he was infuriated at Carson. He was afraid she was secretly drugged during the beginning of the show while Lance was watching Mandie and Justin was not looking at all.

They pulled up to the hospital and Justin tried to lift up Cass, but she almost fell out of his arms without help of Tiny.

"Emergency, possible drug poisoning," Justin spit out quickly as he was trying to steady Cass in his arms.

The lady at the desk quickly radioed for help and soon a stretcher came and took her the lady handed him a clipboard, "Fill this out."

"But�" He looked towards the door and saw Mandie jolt in.

""What the fuck happened Justin?" She was out of breath.

"I think Carson drugged Cass," Justin spit out again, "I don't know exactly how, but we're going to find out."

"I saw her drinking some water before she went on, I wonder..." Mandie started to think, "Carson had left it in her dressing room for her..."

"Let's go, I haven't got all day, this might be fatal," the lady impatiently replied as Justin handed Mandie the clipboard since he didn't know anything about Cass.

"Thanks," Mandie replied and an out of breath Lance ran in, "Slow enough boy."


Mandie sighed and started filling out the info on the clipboard

"Okay," she said when they were done and they were immediately escorted into the ER. They hooked Cass up to a couple machines and took a large sample of her blood.

"Pulse seems a little slow, shallow breathing," the nurse said. After that, Justin, Mandie and Lance were left to wait for the results of her blood test. About 2 hours later, the nurse walked in and asked, "Does Cass take sedatives?"

"No," Mandie replied strangely.

"Well, it seems there are massive amounts of sedatives in her blood, it's pretty prevalent in her blood, so we'll have to let it filter out of her blood for a few hours, until then, she'll be asleep. She'll be okay."

"Phew, thank you," Justin got up and hugged Mandie.

"She'll be fine."

"Yah I guess�but I don't trust doctors."

"Why hun?"

"Cuz one almost killed me at birth and I haven't been to a doctor since my ma told me that."

"What happened?" Mandie asked as Justin felt very uneasy in the hospital room, watching Cass hooked up to an IV made him nauseous.

"Do I have to say?" Justin said a little frightened.

"Well, it'd be best for Cass's sake to hear through her sleep that you're less than perfect," Lance said and Justin looked over at Cass again, sad for her.

"Okay, here it goes...well, right after my mother went into labor, the doctor's said there was nothing wrong with her, that she was coming along fine but you know what happened?...the umbilical cord was completely wrapped around my neck and it was cutting off my air when I came out....I nearly couldn't breathe and it was pulling tighter around my neck as I was being born. So they had to cut it really fast so they could save my life. My mom was so pissed after that."

"Oh my," Mandie covered her mouth and went up to Justin giving him a big bear hug, "I'm so sorry."

"It's ok hun�it's not your fault."

"I know but that's awful," she slowly backed away and walked to Lance "I'm um sorry about our date." She said and looked down at the floor.

"Well, let's take advantage of our situation here," Lance pulled her onto his lap.

"Okay, it's tempting, but no, we've got to worry about Cass here," Mandie said, "But then again, Cass wouldn't want us to totally worry about her."

"Guys, you go, I'll watch over her," Justin said, remembering his doctor problem and wanting to watch over Cass.

Mandie and Lance gave him a weird little smile, knowing Justin was softening around Cass and Lance said, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you two go have fun," Justin said, smiling at them.

"I don't know," Mandie started doubtingly.

"Mandie get the fuck out of here," Justin laughed.

"Fine...but you call me the minute she wakes up ok?" Mandie started walking out the room with Lance.

"Yah ok I will, have fun."

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