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Home Nesquehoning, Pa History Calendars Fire & Ambulance Guestbook



by- Denny Creitz


 The Record August 8th 1891

     A few species of the Lansford Hungarians, under the management of Supt. Henry, were seen on our streets during the week and gave them a slight smattering of new soil.

     The frame work of McElvar’s new store on Railroad street, is beginning to peep up above the surrounding buildings in its location and already has the appearance of a handsome and imposing structure.

     T. H. Corby is at present scouring our neighboring villages in search a valuable cow that strayed from his stable some several days ago. Joseph Miller is also in search of a fine cow that wandered away in a similar manner and was sought for in vain during the past month.

     A fair and festival for the benefit of Nesquehoning Castle No 387, Knights of the Golden Eagle, will be held in the Washington Band Hall on Friday and Saturday evenings. August 7th and 8th. A grand parade will take place on Saturday evening at 5 o’clock, in which Castles and Commanderies from Mauch Chunk and Lehighton and other societies of town will participate. Refreshments will be furnished at reasonable rates.

     Thursday afternoon our village was severely stricken by the horrifying news of a most terrible accident in which John Trevenah lost his life. It occurred in the tunnel known as the “Drift,” and was caused by an explosion of powder. Mr. Trevenah and his two laborers were at work in a heading and late in the afternoon preparations were being made to fire the last blast and leave the mine for their homes. While the laborers continued their work in the heading Trevenah went back in the gangway some several yards to prepare a cartridge. It is supposed he had black powder and dynamite stored in the same box, and when preparing the cartridge a spark from his lamp ignited the former and caused the explosion. His body was terribly mangled about the face, arms and legs, and death must have been instantaneous. Deceased was about 30 years of age and was living in a comfortable home with his aged mother, wife and four small children. He was a member of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, of town. The funeral will probably take place to the Protestant cemetery this Saturday afternoon. Another sad accident occurred in No. 3 slope Saturday afternoon, which resulted in the death of one young man and slight injuries to two others. All working implements had been put away in their proper places as the work for the week would conclude with the landing of the car then being hoisted, and the several men and boys who were at the bottom of the slope were preparing to be hoisted to the surface. As the loaded car was being landed at the top the rope broke and it dashed to the bottom. Some person was fortunate enough to see the car speeding toward them and gave the alarm and a rush was made for a place of refuge. Frederick Bulla, a young man in his 20th year was struck by the car and instantly killed, and Bernard Gallagher and Bamfield Trewren received slight injuries from the flying debris. 


Mauch Chunk Daily Times October 10th 1908

     A movement is on foot among the Nesquehoning businessmen to form a telephone company among themselves, build a line, establish an exchange and connect with the Pennsylvania long distance line. Several meeting have been held and another will be held on Monday evening at Bechtel’s Hotel, when the project will likely be consummated. A. A. MeDlroy, of Allentown, district manager for the Bell Company, was present with the projectors at each meeting and is aiding them in the formation of the company.

     William Gallagher and James Coll have been appointed game wardens for Nesquehoning.

     Mrs. Wash Losko, of the Red Row, who was very severely injured week before last in a scrap at her home, during the wedding celebration of her son, Joe Losko, is getting better and is now pronounced out of danger. She was a very sick woman and two physicians were in attendance on Sunday. Great effort was made to keep this affair secret. Just why, is not quite clear, for it is said by all who have any knowledge of it that it was purely accidental. There was a big crowd at the celebration and a terrific fight. In the battle Mrs. Losko was struck by a chair or some other missile, but the blow was not intended for her.

     Jacob Buss, the veteran landlord of the Miners’ Hotel, who has the reputation of being the oldest hotel keeper in the county, was quite feeble for the past six months, but is able to be around again.

     Miss Sadie Bamford has been tendered a tin shower in view of her approaching marriage to Charlie Wonbacker, a young carpenter who was employed at the new breaker.

     The new breaker was worked for a few hours on Saturday and its new Patent automatic dump is said to have proven a capacity of seven mine cars a minute. It is announced that the breaker will perhaps be put in regular operation on Wednesday next week.

     Thomas Floyd, the new owner of the Gallagher House, on Railroad St., has renamed it and in the future it will be known as the Ridge House. Carpenters are this week partitioning off a neat sample room, adjoining the bar room.

     The considerable portion of Main St., in town, is in horrible condition and the merchants are complaining bitterly. If Nesquehoning had two or three automobile owners, this town would soon have better streets.

     George Zaengle, who resides on the Zaengle farm at the entrance to town, and is employed as a miner at No. 1 tunnel, was painfully burned about the face and hands on Monday by an explosion of gas.


Mauch Chunk Daily Times July 13th 1912


     A large crowd of people was attracted to the vicinity of the Court House last evening to see Philly Bonner, of Nesquehoning, finish his marathon run from Bectel’s Corner, Nesquehoning, to the Court House. Wagers were made that he could not accomplish the feat of running five miles in less than 30 minutes, but the young man showed that he had the ability to do it even better than 30 minutes, as he made the run in less than 27 minutes. He left Nesquehoning at 7:08 and reached the court house at 7:35, and finished strong in an amazing burst of speed on the final lap outdistancing his pace makers who met him at the East Mauch Chunk bridge. He took a bath and rub down at the Central Hotel, after which he conned his civilian attire and mingled with the crowd, looking as fresh as a daisy and apparently not the least fatigued by his exertion. He had no pace makers until he reached Mauch Chunk, and accomplished the feat after a hard day’s work at the mines. He has won a number of marathons and is conceded to be one of the best in the coal region. This being a popular and a healthy sport and to foster it many lovers of it would like to see a match arranged between he and Dick Edwards, of Lansford. The latter has won a number of short and long distance races and a match between them would attract wide spread attention. It would occasion good natured rivalry between Lansford and Nesquehoning and would bring out other aspirants for such honors. The sport needs to be given a start and it will become popular.

     There is no more ideal course for a Marathon than between Nesquehoning and Mauch Chunk. Bonner signified his willingness last night to arrange a match with Edwards. Both have many friends in Mauch Chunk who will back them up. Let them get together and the sport will prosper. It is now the leading sporting feature of Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and other large towns and can be made so here, because of the fact that there is no talent in the region to compare with Bonner and Edwards. If there is any, both Bonner and Edwards are prepared to defend their native towns and county.

     Edwards was in town today, but declined to meet Bonner in a Marathon. He said he was a short distance runner.


Mauch Chunk Daily Times March 28th 1918

     At Little Italy, that quaint little village about a mile above town, there is on display a capital oil-painting of beautiful theme and quality entitled “The Grand Canal, Venice,” from the brush of that gifted artist, Frank Romano. It is curious, when one thinks of it, that a note of music, once strong, dies away to echoes and is gone; all of its beauty and emotional value fades with the echoes, and one has only the remembrance of it to recall its perfection. But a painting, once a painter lays down his brush, remains for our eyes, and this Venetian scene by Mr. Romano is a work of art to be remembered. It leaves a vivid impression that lingers, and one feels that its brilliant and extraordinary workmanship would not be apt to pall upon the senses, even under constant observance. It is an exquisite picture, showing a portion of the famous Italian city (built on seventy two islands) overlooking the Canalazzo, or Grand Canal, and is full of a skilful blending of lights and shadows, the picturesque gondolas propelled by equally quaint gondoliers, carrying the mind back to earlier Venetian times and scenes. Mr. Romano is at his excellent best in this superb canvas, depicting this true to life scene in a manner that leaves no doubt of his rare capability as an artist and serves to make an impression of the mind not easily erased. The canvas, as a whole, is typical of the ability of the artist and his treatment of this particular theme permits of no adverse criticism from anyone outside the pale of the cost critical connoisseur. In the immediate foreground is admirably shown the main thoroughfare, or Grand Canal flanked on either side by residences of Italian dignitaries, and one sees the famous waterway stretching off to a point lost to the view because of its channel being in the form of a letter S.  A painting that is not too literal, it possesses a certain indescribable charm that waves its magic spell about the beholder and imbues all with the conviction that probably no painter of any time has rendered with more delicacy and precision the beautiful qualities of truth and elegance embodied in the artistic conception of this famous city. The lines of the painting are carefully planned, its color scheme being in strict and harmonious attune with the subject portrayed. It is well constructed, as is usual with Mr. Romano’s work, and he has throughout, successfully kept the suggestion of brilliant color without its becoming raucous in tone, and the chief impression one carries away is, that surely this must be his masterpiece, everything in the scene being depicted with definiteness and certainty. The whole picture is impregnated with beautiful color and is undeniably a strong one, and the artist has devoted himself to the modeling of its interesting features so capably that it seems superfluous to remark that its construction is altogether convincing and flawless. Mr. Romano, possessing the true artistic temperament, is very modest in discussing his work of art, but he has demonstrated his philanthropic spirit in graciously presenting the painting to the Little Italy Citizens’ Club Band, of which musical organization the artist himself is a highly respected and active member.


Mauch Chunk Daily Times September 14th 1921

     Plocinik Bros. of town are having the large plate glass windows in their meat market lowered so as to present a better view of display goods to the passing patrons.

     The citizens of town were greatly alarmed yesterday afternoon by a fire alarm. The fire proved to be a serious one. It was located in the Patsy Cerimele home in New Columbus. Quick efficient service on the part of our fire laddies with the assistance of other willing workers prevented a further conflagration. Hundreds of people witnessed the fire. The interior of the house was badly gutted. The damage is estimated at $300.

      From a long list of aspirants the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company has appointed John W. Morgan, of Nesquehoning, as foreman of its Kaska William operation in Schuylkill County. This appointment, coming as it does in the nature of a well earned promotion, is also a pleasing bit of news to Mr. Morgan’s legion of friends who view his deserving rise to an official position with an optimism that cannot be gain-said. Born and reared amid the environs of this hustling anthracite district, Jack as he is more formally called, has experienced continuous service in all departments of this industry, starting at the breaker when a boy and later entering the underground workings where he did his turn at patching, driving, loading, laboring, etc, that qualifying process that ultimately develops the miner. Through experience he has not only acquired a thorough knowledge of the cult of mining and its accompanying intricate and hazardous conditions, but his capability in getting along with and holding the sincerest esteem of the folkmen in general presages the certainty of his making an ideal foreman who, while doing his official duties in a manner that will exclude complaint from superiors will also demonstrate a fair and square dealing with all under his superintendence. In addition, Mr. Morgan possesses a very pleasing personality, has unlimited deserving qualities and above all is sublimely good natured and generous to a fault, traits which have surrounded him with appreciative friends whose elation is widespread at his elevation to this foremanship, which duties he assumes Sept. 16. He is the eldest son of District Superintendent and Mrs. M. O. Morgan, of Lansford former residents of Nesquehoning.


Mauch Chunk Daily News March 22nd 1923

Thirteen Men Caught By a Fall of Earth in  #1 Colliery, Nesquehoning, Brought Out Alive After 10 Hours Effort.

     Much excitement prevailed yesterday throughout the entire region when it was learned that a slide had occurred in the No. 1 Red Ash tunnel of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company mine at Nesquehoning, entombing Henry Dublog, Mauch Chunk; George Jenkins, George Hughes Sr., Louis Bennich, Mike Hudicka, Metro Stein, Paul Shiftie, William Dinian, Mike Tenosky, Nesquehoning; Lewis Yeknett, Summit Hill; John Amari, Oreste Valentine, and John Prosper, Lansford.

     While it was known several hours before that there were thirteen men entombed behind the barrier of mine refuse, it was not until 12:20 this morning that the men were gotten out safely and sent to their homes.

     The first warning of the slide was heard by Hugh and Daniel Coll, of Nesquehoning, who were at work in No. 5 chute. The men hearing the rush of mud and water had barely time to escape and could not give warning to those in other chambers. The two men immediately gave the alarm and instantly relief crews were organized and the work of rescuing the entombed miners was started. Doctors, priests, nurses and ambulances were hurriedly summoned to the scene.

     Rescue work was immediately started and every means of instituting a quick rescue was made by both the company and the men who worked feverishly to release the men who it was feared might be overcome by black damp. The gangs were made up of eight or ten men and worked in hour shifts.  Their fears were allayed when a pipe was driven through the barricade and direct communication was established with the entombed men at 6:30 p. m., after which it was made known that it would be only a question of time until the men would all be brought safely to the surface.

Much praise is given to George Hughes, one of the men entombed who is reported s being cool headed and endeavored to keep the entombed men calm. It was Hughes who first spoke to the men outside and answered them that the compressed air lines had not been broken and that the air within was good and the men all right.

     The rescue work which was very tedious and difficult because of the size of the gangway at the place where the barricade occurred and the refuse and clay which fell. The clay had to be removed in powder boxes which were loaded and passed from one man to the next until the end of the line was reached and the empty boxes were passed quickly up the line by men on the opposite side. Very much credit is due to the men who worked like beavers and did not know what fatigue meant.

     When the news of the entombment spread to surrounding towns, excitement and fear prevailed especially among families who had members at work in No.1 tunnel. Company officials did everything possible to alleviate the fears of the throng assembled, which numbered into the thousands until word was received that the men were all right. When less than a hundred onlookers were left of the vast throng.

     Doctors were present when the men were brought out and every man was given a thorough examination. The doctors reported that there were no ill effects to the men who had been entombed.

Mauch Chuck Daily Times November 22nd 1929

     Sophie Tucker At Roxy Tonight.

 Roxy Theatre, Nesquehoning, opens tonight. You will hear talkies that are real on the Vitaphone and Movetone. To tell you how good it will be would only be a statement that you would expect. To hear for yourself will surpass anything we could tell you. The initial attraction will be Sophie Tucker, the red hot mamma of vaudeville in her first singing-talking Vitaphone picture “Honky Honk.” An excellent surrounding bill will complete an evening of perfect entertainment.






Need Tires? Give Us A Call. 
We Have The Best Tires At The Best Prices.

Creitz Tune up Service
Rt. 209 & 93 Jct.
1201 E. Catawissa. St.
Nesquehoning, Pa. 18240-1807

 The Cooper Philosophy
"Good merchandise because it doesn't pay to make, sell or use an inferior article. Fair prices that satisfy the customer."

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