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Home Nesquehoning, Pa History Calendars Fire & Ambulance Guestbook



by- Denny Creitz


Mauch Chunk Courier, August 17, 1839.


     A large Specimen Coal was taken from the Nesquehoning Mines and shipped to Philadelphia last week, by Messrs. Barber, Laman & Co., which weighed Four thousand Nine hundred and sixty three pounds. It is said to be the largest Coal ever taken to Philadelphia and may be seen at their yard in Kensington


Mauch Chunk Democrat June 1, 1901

     Mr. Hugh Callan, a veteran of the Rebellion, is home to participate in the Memorial Day demonstration.

     Mr. James Ronemus, who has opened a dry goods and grocery store adjoining the post office, has purchased a five-year-old horse at Mount Carmel costing $150.

     Mr. J.S. Eustice, who is visiting his sister in San Francisco, California, writes home and says that he made the trip in six days. His sister, who is one of the old “forty niners,” is very wealthy. Mr. Eustice states in his letter that times are good in the golden state.

     Mr. E. Bamford was startled the other evening, at the bottom of shaft No. 1, where he is engaged in running a pumping engine, by a monster black snake which he supposed to be about eight feet long, that fell down an air hole which connects with the engine room. He saw his snakeship and picked up a monkey wrench but failed to hit the snake. The air hole is 310 feet from the surface. Mr. Bamford contemplates capturing the reptile alive and will send it to the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo as a curiosity.  


Mauch Chunk Democrat February 6, 1906  


     Central Railroad Station Robbed in Wild West Style. The two burglars who entered the Central Railroad station at Nesquehoning Wednesday afternoon, held up the station agent, John Mohrback, and robbed him of all the money in his office, some thirty dollars in cash. The two men, it has developed, are William Tyler, aged 19 years, of Coal Dale, and Harry Billig, age 17 of Tamaqua. Both are well known in the Panther Creek Valley and it is also well known that they were rapidly becoming genuine crooks. The two were noticed on Susquehanna Street between 10 and 11 o’clock that evening, by several persons who knew them. Night Officer William Conley arrested them. Next morning at 10 o’clock they were given a hearing before Squire J. J. Boyle, and both confessed. The evidence was so straight and clear against them that they could not well do anything but confess. The station building at Nesquehoning stands somewhat isolated from the main part of the town. It consists of a freight room a passenger waiting room and a little ticket office partitioned off from the waiting room. Agent Mohrbach and a young friend, William Mummey of Nesquehoning were the only occupants of the building at about 4:45 o’clock and were in the ticket office. Suddenly the door was forced open by two men, each having a revolver in his hand. “Stay quiet or I’ll fill you full of holes,” exclaimed one of the men while the other pulled the money drawer of all the money it contained, between $30 and $40. The exact amount is not known. The men then slammed the door shut and ran down the railroad toward Mauch Chunk with all the speed at their command. Mohrbach and Mummey were at first too much upset and bewildered to stir. Finally Mohrbach started down the track after them, but undertaking that such a course would be futile, he returned to the office and flashed the news of the robbery over the wire. He then ran up into the town to inform the people.  They say that he was actually too excited to speak and that he fainted while telling the story. Many people had seen Tyler and Billig in Nesquehoning during the afternoon, and it is remembered by Mohrbach that the two young men called at the station several times, but there were always other people around.


Mauch Chunk Democrat April 6, 1906  

     George Griffith the 17-year-old son of T. H. Griffiths, has entered the Naval Training Station at Newport, R.I., as a student. He and his father left for Newport on Sunday. 

     This town is quiet as a Sunday. Miners are counseling their fellows to remain away from the saloon. A quiet game of cards is in progress here and there, but no drinking to excess. 

     The colliery in town is shut down solid as a stonewall. Five hundred and twenty one cheering paraders marched over the principal streets of the town Monday morning, led by the Nesquehoning drum corps. Mallory Smuthers carried the United States flag and Ralph Simmons and Michael Heartneady were the marshals. Men were in the line who worked all through the last strike and these were rousingly cheered. There are a few non-union miners here but not many. They will refrain from work for the sake of peace and thus avoid the awful conflicts that marked the last strike, some of which will never be forgotten. The Nesquehoning Local held a largely attended meeting last Monday evening. Should a strike come, the members will stand by each other to a man. It was resolved that the company’s property should be guarded and all rowdyism prevented. The repairmen in and about the colliery are all to continue at work if their services are needed, and in consequence of the action the company will make extensive repairs while the breaker is idle. Many men were at work yesterday on repairs. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company has a fine body of people here. Most of them are of one mind, consequently no one expects any trouble no matter what the outcome will be of the conferences that are being held in New York.


Mauch Chunk Democrat May 5, 1906  

     The town is at present described as a deserted village. Half of its Hungarian population has gone to the old country, and others are away at various places wherever they can find something to do. Over 50 left town Monday morning in one party. Some had been away and secured work for themselves and others. 


 Mauch Chunk Daily News September 11, 1909

     The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company Starts a Large Addition to the Town This Week.

     The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company last week surveyed and located a new street for Nesquehoning, on which it intends to erect forty blocks of double dwellings, one-half of them before the summer closes. Foundations are already finished for four of the blocks. The site of this new addition to the town is a very desirable one. It will make Nesquehoning grow. The announcement was made some time ago that the company would build from 20 to 40 new houses here and everybody anticipated that they would be erected at the extreme eastern end of the town. There was great surprise a few days ago on the part of everybody in Nesquehoning when the company’s laborers began to open up at the extreme western end of Nesquehoning, north of the railroad, and run it east parallel with the railroad. This places the new addition in Packer Township, but notwithstanding this it will be a part of Nesquehoning and will be located on a level plot of ground many acres in extent.


Mauch Chunk Daily Times October 1914

     Ground was broken today by Thomas Bros., contractors for the new Lutheran Church on Catawissa St.

     The Nesquehoning Rod and Gun Club is this week stocking the second and third hollow Broad Mountain streams with young trout. Game Warden John Gallagher, of town is already on the job and poachers and illegal trout fishermen had better not meddle. A word to the wise should be sufficient.

     The Nesquehoning bank’s new two story brick building which is being erected on Catawissa St. by Thomas Brothers is now rapidly nearing completion. The big burglar proof vault door arrived on Monday and is being fitted into place this week. The door weighs six tons and is believed to be the heaviest and safest vault door in the county.

     Tom McCaffrey, manager of the Nesquehoning football team hereby challenges the Coaldale football team to a game for a purse of from $100 to $500 per side.  McCaffrey can be seen at any time by the Coaldale manager to arrange the game.

     Some of our young boys are indulging in a very bad and dangerous pastime in hanging on the trolley cars as they go buzzing through out streets. This practice is going on for some time and should be stopped at once before some one will get hurt or perhaps crippled for life.

     Mary Kochaba, one of the towns’s well known young ladies, is again a free woman, having been granted a divorce in court last week from her husband Joseph Zemba.

     Michael Hopstock, Jr., one of the drivers of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company’s local coal delivery teams, went through a thrilling experience last Saturday, and to be today in the land of the living, suffering nothing more than a thorough scaring and a general shaking up that certainly shattered his nervous system for a time, Mike and numerous onlookers firmly believe is truly remarkable. With David Trevarrow he was making some repairs to his wagon at the west end of town, when in some unaccountable manner the pair of mules attached to the vehicle became scared and started on a wild rampage. Mike was caught in some intricate part of the wagon, and says of his enforced dangerous ride: “I never thought mules could run so fast with such a heavy wagon behind them, and every moment as the critters took log piles, plank heaps, railroad tracks and sheered closely past houses, sheds and fences, I thought my time had certainly come. Gee! I could see stars, and if I hadn’t dropped off when I did, I guess I would be an angel up there among them.” The mules slammed the wagon against and wrecked a porch in the Black Hills.

     A large crowd of people, mostly women and children, assembled at the Central station yesterday, were keenly disappointed when Roosevelt failed to materialize. While waiting for the special train a small boy narrowly escaped being struck by a westbound engine at the unprotected crossing above the station.

     The elaborate silver cup won by the local collieries First Aid Corps, is on display in the window of Brights store and is attracting unusual attention. The trophy is sharing equal admiration for the manner in which this show window is artistically and pleasingly decorated in advertising hunter’s supplies.

Extra! Extra!

I will open a first class Custom Tailor Shop. Suits and overcoats made to order of the finest material and workmanship from $16 up, made at home. Come and give me a trial and save money. Any one finding fault with my work will get a suit or overcoat or money refunded. Come and convince yourself. Joe Cohen, Clothier and Outfitter.


With the high demand for coal during 
World War I posters were hung up 
around town and in store windows

warposter.jpg (54733 bytes)



Mauch Chunk Daily Times October 28,1919

     Don’t forget the big Halloween Parade on Friday night. Parade moves promptly at 7:30, three bands will furnish the music to keep time to the merry marchers. All indications point to a big turn out of old and young. After the parade there will be a masquerade dance in Ferko’s Hall. Music will be furnished by Prof. John L. Boyle’s orchestra of six pieces, prizes will be given to the most handsome, comical and original dressed couple. Popular prices 35 cents and 25 cents. John Trevena, the dancing master is giving the dancers of this and surrounding towns some of the best music in the state. The newly organized orchestra called the Lanseque Society Jazz will furnish music on next Wednesday night. The members, while young in years, can handle all the very latest and popular jazz music in a manner that makes the artistic toes glide over the dance floor with ease and grace, Kathryn E. Crossin, pianist; James A. Crossin, violinist are past masters with the violin and piano, having appeared before the public on numerous occasions, always making good. James Dorsey, as cornetist, is equal, if not better than Herbert Clark, as his execution of popular and standard music, his tone so sweet, that you marvel at his playing. Thomas Dorsey, as trombonist, makes you wonder. While he is the youngest of the members his manner of playing the slide puts him on a footing with Messrs. Corey, Gentile, Schmidt, Lyons and Goring of Sousa’s famous trombone section. You can hear those musical artists on next Wednesday. It is well worth the price of admission to hear them although you do not dance, don’t stand outside and block the doorway go in. You will go home contented if you do. Any one wishing to engage this orchestra please address Box 316, Nesquehoning, Pa., to Jas. A. Crossin leader, or to Charles Rottet, Lansford, Pa.

Mauch Chunk Daily Times February 12, 1920

     Daring attempt to rob Nesquehoning bank by masked man frustrated. A daring but unsuccessful attempt was made to rob the First National Bank, at Nesquehoning at 4 a.m. today by a masked desperado armed to the teeth and determined to kill if necessary to accomplish his purpose, but the plucky, nervy wife of John C. Corby, cashier of the bank frustrated his designs by her daring act in putting her foot on an alarm which led to nearby houses and aroused the occupants, augmented by the faultless system of protection with which the bank is equipped.  It was at 4 a.m. that the desperado forced an entrance into the Corby home. He did his work so quietly and effectively that Mr. and Mrs. Corby were not aroused from their slumber by his intrusion. With kit of tools he jimmied a rear window open. The first intimation they had of the presence of their unwelcome visitor was when the burglar thrust a flash light on Mr. Corby and at the point of a gun commanded him to get up and open the safe. Mrs. Corby was commanded at the same time to accompany her husband and make no outcry under penalty of death.  Mr. Corby remonstrated with the burglar that he was powerless to open the vault which is operated by a time lock. “Very well,” said the desperado “we will wait until it opens” which is shortly before opening of the bank for business each day.  After waiting some time, Mrs. Corby was inspired with the plan to spread an alarm by reaching and touching the alarm with her foot and with quick wit executed the act. The burglar alarm rings only at the home of Wesley Norwood and Levi Marsden. Unable to open the vault the desperado compelled Mr. and Mrs. Corby to retire to their bedroom where he bound them.  Mr. Corby with rope and Mrs. Corby with an electric light extension wire because there wasn’t enough rope. In the meantime he sat at the top of the stairway awaiting the opening of the vault. A short time later people began to arrive in response to the alarm.  The burglar heard them and knowing he had been tricked fled in wild disorder by way of a rear door. It was Levi Marsden who scared him by ringing a doorbell.  Mr. and Mrs. Corby were released from their bondage by their rescuers and made as comfortable as possible. Mrs. Corby was sick in bed when the burglar called, but he had no regard for her condition and subjected her to the peril of endangering her health by compelling her to leave her bed and go down stairs. Mr. Corby was the object of the burglar’s constant attention. He kept him covered with his gun every minute. He realized the danger of permitting a relaxation upon Mr. Corby whom he appreciated would give him a fight if the opportunity afforded. It was in this way that Mrs. Corby was allowed a little leeway and took due advantage of it to the burglar’s sorrow. The burglar under all kinds of dire threats tried to make Mr. Corby reveal the concealment of valuables and securities outside of the vault but Mr. Corby was unyielding in his position that everything of value was in the vault. It was a trying moment for Mr. Corby, who knew not the minute the burglar, would shoot and kill him, but despite his peril he remained steadfast that he was useless to the burglar. It was a critical situation for Mr. Corby, but it proved his unflinching nerve and mettle. There is no doubt the robbing of the bank was well planned. The burglar evidently selected the special time for the robbery an account of the day being a holiday, Lincoln’s birthday, when the bank would be closed. He figured on being compelled to await the opening of the vault by the time clock in the absence of the failure of Mr. Corby to open it. He figured on coolly getting away with his loot. The only description of the burglar they observed was that he was masked and wore a light colored overcoat, was medium in height, thick set and wore a black slouch hat. He disappeared via. C. R. R. tracks going Westward. Mr. and Mrs. Corby suffered considerably from shock. This was but a natural sequence to the exciting encounter through which they passed. The robbery indicates the desperation of the money-crazed criminals when they shift the scene of their operations to country banks. The directors of the bank met this morning and assured the patrons of the bank that not a cent had been taken which they attributed to the up to date system of protection installed at the bank. There was general relief that Mr. and Mrs. Corby weren’t harmed, the robbery being a second consideration.


Mauch Chunk Daily News July 28, 1928

     Thomas, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caffrey, died late Wednesday night of enteritis. The funeral was held this afternoon at the house at 1 o’clock and at the Lutheran Church at 1:30 by Rev. F. E. Reichard.

     The local baseball team will play the Lehighton nine a league game here this afternoon, game starting at 3 o’clock

     An aggravated nuisance exists at the intersection of West Catawissa and Allen streets where the surface sewer conduits are blocked, causing the sewerage to overflow on the highway. This condition has been developing since the Highway Department workers eliminated part of the pavement at the southeast corner in an endeavor to lessen the hazard of accidents at this perilous curve.

     The frequency with which automobiles are running over and crippling dogs in town leads many to believe that there is becoming a certain laxity on the part of some motorist driving through town. Lacking the traffic protection of a borough, Catawissa Street has always been the mecca of out of town drivers. Controlled by fear of local laws in their own communities, they “go easy” until they reach Nesquehoning where they seem to think that “step on it” and “go as you please” are sort of unwritten mandates that must be lived up to, even to the sacrificing of canines and possibly children.






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1201 E. Catawissa. St.
Nesquehoning, Pa. 18240-1807

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