List of Songs and descriptions:
Jovana -  Sorry to say this song doesn't have any words.This is an instrumental influenced by one of the more characteristic Macedonian traditional songs. The heavy riffs at the beginning contrast the folk style turnaround in the chorus section. This song has defined the Insomnia style from the very beginning and is usually the opening number of their immensly successful concerts setting the atmosphere of what is to be expected.

Instrumental A - This is the working title of an instrumental stylized by Rage Against the Machine type of agressiveness which is later modified with folklore elements. The song itself is not finished yet but it has been played on concerts. The audience response was more than positive to this song, which told the members of the band that they have to develop it into a  more intriquite musical experience, because after all they are perfectionists.

Visions - Categorically speaking this song cannot be easily placed into any genre. Is it rock, or folk, contemporary or traditional? These are not easily answerable questions. The beauty of this song lies in its ellusiveness of categories, its eclectic character and the haunting melody.

Armageddon.- This song has lyrics. Surprise, surprise. But, it is undergoing heavy revision, because it was writter during the Moron Years.The band wants to distance itself from the Moron image although it really was the most successful metal band from Sveti Nikole.

Insomnia - Even at the first phase of production this song has proven to be the guide poll to the future activities of the band. The members of the band are very excited the way the demo has turned out. It should be the rock song that will bring heavy metal out of the curent crisis, especially in Macedonia.

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