Last Update 2-23-02
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Tolkien Costumes

Here are the Tolkien costumes I made for two of my stuffed animals. I used a pattern I found at TORN for a Hobbit Sock Doll (created by one Lobelia). I didn't feel like making the whole doll, so I just adapted the clothes to fit the stuffed animals I had. Mostly I used felt so I wouldn't have to hem anything, but the shirt is linen which took a lot of work! Oscar the Orangutan is in the Hobbit costume and Chester the Gorilla is in the Gandalf costume. I took Oscar Baggins (Frodo's long-lost brother) to the Premier of LOTR:FOTR, but only pulled him out of my purse after the lights dimmed (I didn't want to look obsessed!).
Oscar Baggins with Sting Oscar in Elven-cloak Chester Gandalf Gandalf in the Misty Mountains
Oscar and me full view Oscar and me close-up

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