by david again

                 it was a 1 on 1 battle me against someone we'll call "bob".

        bob was holed up in a shed by the back of my house and i was behind a car.
    I sported a modded SM5000 and a modded ss2 and bob had a wildfire and a crossbow and a split-fire AND a chain blazer (he had a weapons depot in the shed) so the odds were kinda against me and we exchanged shots for a while then i having two sniper weapons decided to try to can bob the next time he poked his head out. we were about 5o feet away so i had to use the sniper scope i had fixed to the top of my 5000 to aim.  well i waited about five seconds then i saw a little head acompanied by a cross bow and i fired.  the dart missed by literally 2 inches and i grabbed my ss2 for backup while reloading. i knew that if bob was gonna strike he was gonna do it now. so he jumped out, fired his cross bow, jumped back in and came out again with a wildfire in one hand and a splitfire in the other. 

        he charged, i waited.  he came right in front of the car when i levered over it and pegged him in between the eyes with a super ss2.  this story would be over if we hadent agreed on two hits each which we did. so. as you might have guesses, things got a bit traumatic.  i jumped off the top of the car and landed right in frontof him.  i grabbed his loaded splitfire and rolled under the car, popped up and pegged him in the face with it.  he went home angry, and i went home with 20 wildfire darts embedded in my head.      
               By: Bounty Hunter
Alright it was me and Cow Hunter against Dragon Hunter and Sub Hunter.  Well Cow Hunter and I didn't waste any time trying to find the enemy, we just charged at their base armed and loaded. (We knew where there base was.)  When we got there we didn't notice anyone until we looked up.  They were both up in a tree with their guns loaded and aimed at us!  Well since it was a 2 hit kill game they would each have to hit us twice.  Well we knew we would die if we didn't do something so I just blasted my Powerclip at them and actually killed Sub Hunter but didn't hit Dragon Hunter at all.  After that we just ran, not knowing that Dragon Hunter was chasing after us.  Well when we thought we had lost him we stopped only to see Dragon Hunter standing there pointing 2 loaded Powerclips at us! I knew this was bad so I fired my Secret Shot 2.  At the exact same time Dragon Hunter fired all 20 darts at me, so my 1 dart hit the others and I was buried under an assult of red micro darts.   After my death Cow Hunter took advantage of the moment shooting his Splitfire at Dragon Hunter.  One darts hit him but the other bounce harmlessly off one of the Powerclips.  After that Dragon Hunter grabbed a Hidden Shot (yes a Hidden Shot) out of his pocket and fired.  Cow Hunter saw the dart coming but couldn't get out of it's way in time so he was hit once.  Suddenly Dragon Hunter fired again, this time Cow Hunter charged at Dragon Hunter holding his Blastfire in front of him.  The dart just hit the Blastfire not touching Cow Hunter.  Cow Hunter was mad and screaming as he charged at Dragon Hunter and when he got there..........    BLAST!!!!!!!!!   Cow Hunter and I won the war!
  Sorry but that wasn't true. But I thought it was a cool story.
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