me and Zach were having a 1v1 nerf war.  we both had blastfires and i was behind my couch.  he had taken refuge behind a armoire and we were exchanging shots.  we weren't very worried about runnig out of ammo because we kept picking up the ones that that were being shot at eachother.  we kept staying in our hiding spots intul i got bored and and jumped over the couch and charged him.  he was so exited that he kept shooting blindly and missing me. I shot him and WON!

                     By Bounty Hunter
It was me/Bounty Hunter Cow Hunter against Death Hunter and Chickin Hunter.  Cow Hunter and I had two Splitfires each. Death Hunter had a Powerclip and Chicken Hunter had a sm 3000.  In the beggining my team stayed in the base and waited for the team but we soon got restless and went in search of the enemy.  When we entered the other room we were ambushed.  It was madness Cow Hunter was killed and I pulled off a matrix move to stay alive.  I then dove behind a couch and fired one of my Splitfires.  Luckily one of the darts hit Chicken Hunter killing him.  Suddenly an enraged Death  Hunter charged at me! So I jumped from behind the couch and shot at him. I saw the darts coming so I dove to the ground and the darts missed me by inches.  I quickly reloaded and shot at him three of the darts missed but the last one hit him in the forhead. My team won the war.

                        By Bounty Hunter
It was a day like every other day then I suddenly remembered that it was time for a nerf war.  It was every man for himself and I had made a secret team with Sub Hunter. Our plan was to pick off each person one by one and then just war with each other if we're still alive.  So we were just walking around when Cow Hunter jumped over the fence and blasted his Blastfire at us.  I just raised my Powerclip and blocked 3 of the bullets. But Sub Hunter wasn't so lucky he was just carying a Splitfire so he was killed.  After Sub Hunter died I shot Cow Hunter with my Powerclip.  Now there were only four people left. Since my partner was dead I went alone in search of somone..  After a few minutes a came upon Dragon Hunter.  He didn't notice me until it was too late, I creamed  him with darts.  Right after I killed Dragon Hunter, Death Hunter and Chicken Hunter ambushed me!  They ran straight at me with their guns aimed at my chest when I dove behind a turned over table about 5 feet away.  Then after that Death Hunter and Chicken Hunter hid behind a wall popping out and shooting every once in a while.  Soon I got bored so I got out from behind the table and charged at the enemy.  They heard me comming so they were ready for me.  When I got to where they were they fired at me.  When I saw all those darts comming at me I thought I was done for but, on instinct I jumped to the side and dodged the darts.  Then with my Powerclip I killed both of them and  won the war.

                 By Bounty  Hunter
It was me and Dragon Hunter vs Cow Hunter and this one kid we'll call him shorty.  Well my team had the back yard so we walked out of the gate and went into the garage.  When we got there it was quiet then Dragon Hunter yelled "I see them."  Then suddenly the whole other team jumped out of their hidding places.  Shorty then suddenly yelled and ran at Dragon Hunter.  Dragon Hunter backed back into the back yard and fired a shorty.  Dragon Hunter had a Powerclip so four of the ten bullets hit shorty leavig him alive with one hit.  Since shorty had a Blastfire he just got close to Dragon Hunter and blasted him.  During that time I had backed Cow Hunter into a corner and killed him with my Powerclip.  After shorty had killed Dragon Hunter he ran after me fullly loaded. When I saw him coming a thought I was toast but then I remembered that I had my trusty Secret Shot 2 in my pocket!  So when shorty got there he shot at me with all his darts.  I rose my un loaded Powerclip and blocked three of the five darts leaving me with three hits left.  After that shorty  ran away.  I just chased him down and shot him with my Secret Shot 2 to win the war.

                        By Bounty Hunter
Well this is a story about my beloved Secret Shot 2.
It was me against Cow Hunter and Sub Hunter.  I had a Powerclip and Secret Shot 2, Cow Hunter had a Blastfire and Sub Hunter had a Splitfire.  I was just waiting in my base when suddenly the other team broke into the room.  I was cought by surprise so they got a few shots off at me but missed with all of them.  Now I was ready for battle I stuck my Powerclip through one of the gun turret type things and fired.  The bullets flied brave and true killing Sub Hunter.  Now Cow Hunter was mad, to my surprise he pulled  a Splitfire out of his pocket and charged at me.  I knew if I stayed in my base I would die so I jumped over the wall of my base just as it was filled with darts.  That was a bit too close for confort.  After the assult I pulled out my beloved Secret Shot 2.  I then ran at Cow Hunter while he was reloading and then suddenly he lifted his loaded Splitfire and fired at me!  I knew I was going to die this time when I then noticed that the darts had hit my gun and not me!  Soon after that I ran at him and fired he just rose his Blastfire  and blocked the dart.  He then went back to reloading his BF, forgeting about the secret part on my gun.  So while he was reloading I pumped my gun and blasted.  "Oh no!"  BOOM!  That was the end of the game I had beat them.

   This one by Davis (The "reveiw dude")
It was a free for all and one of my friends had a modded SS2 and the other had a small blow pipe. I on the other hand had two nerf knives.  I killed my friend with the blow pipe first and i used his body as a shield against enemy Secret Shot 2 fire.  I got within three feet of him and tossed my knife whitch landed dead center in his chest!

                    By Bounty Hunter
It was a free for all and Cow Hunter, Dragon Hunter, Sub Hunter, and myself were playing.  We each had our own small base and we all started off in them.  I was waiting  in my base when I spotted  Cow Hunter walk into the room.  He didn't see me until I had already fired my Powerclip and killed him.  After that I went in search of another base.  I found one in the oppisite side of the house then my base, it was Dragon Hunter's. When I got there it looked empty put suddenly Dragon Hunter popped out with a modded lnl and a Splitfire.  When I saw him I dove behind a chair just as two mega darts wizzed by.  We had crossfire for a while then he charged at me fully loaded.  When he got there I was ready and waiting with my modded Secret Shot 2  nick named "Old Faithful."  (Dragon Hunter's Splitfire is named "Old Piece of Junk.")  He was first to fire but he missed by inches. After he fired I shot and killed him.  Little did I know that Sub Hunter was watching the whole thing and was taking aim at me.  After I killed Dragon Hunter I accidently dropped Old Faithful and I fired!  To my surprise I heard Sub Hunter say "Owww," when my dart fired out of Old Faithful hit him.  I had luckily won the war.           
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