The first fundamental I will explain is stealth. Getting into position with out the enemy knowing is stealth. There are several ways to make one�s self more silent or less noticeable. First I recommend camouflage. You can use outdoor camouflage, a dark blue color or an urban camouflage. Another way to increase you stealth is to eliminate noise. This means wear natural materials. This decreases the noise when you walk. If you have zippers that clank up against things cover then with tape. Some noise is very difficult to rid your self of (Gun creaks, squeaks in the floor).
Stealth is added by good communication. Sending messages between your teammates while being completely quite is the best form of communicating, and it is not easy to do. You may want to invest in some good portable radios. Make sure you can plug headphones in so the enemy cannot hear them. Hand signals are a must. They allow silent communication, however, you must be able to see your teammate to send a message. Radios and good communication can be used for other purposes.
Which brings us to our third fundamental distraction. Distraction can be as simple as yelling charge when you enter a room or as complex as placing a radio in the enemy�s ear shot. My favorite is using a powerful flashlight to blind the enemy momentarily. You can achieve the same affect by flickering the light while you attack. If you are lucky enough to have radios try to place one near the enemy and give out false plans. Hand signals can also be good distraction. You can fake sending messages to some one behind enemy lines or give them false information. Distraction is a good way to surprise your enemy, which is the next fundamental.
Surprise is very important because it helps you catch the enemy off guard allowing you to move in and kill. Surprise alone will get you somewhere but you cannot win with it alone. You have to have all the fundamentals to win.
Speed will help you use the time that your enemy is surprised to get up close.  There is not much to elaborate on about speed but to enhance it you might try sprinting.
Agility is a lot like speed in the fact that there is not much to it. Being able to dodge darts or to block them is a very handy skill to have so play nerf and practice agility.
Speed and agility are great alone but they are even more useful but if you mix in cover fire you get something that is even better. Cover fire is simply shooting at the enemy making him duck his head and gun out of the way so that he is no longer a threat.
When you put up cover fire your teammates or yourself should move to cover. Which is really what you get when you combine these three fundamentals.
There are two different types of cover: soft and hard. Soft cover is trees and bushes. Any gun with good penetration can shoot you if you decide to seek refuge behind soft cover. Hard cover is exactly what the name implies it does not allow darts to get to you at all.
So now that you know all the fundamentals you can create your own strategies and plans. Below is an example of the fundamentals in action.          
I can remember one occasion where my team of three where attacking a semi fortified position in the basement. My team stealthily got into position and then burst into the room. Using flashlights to stun them I shot cover fire while my two teammates charged up and cleared the room. The enemy was caught completely by surprise and had no idea what was happening we killed them all with no casualties. So as you can see the              



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