Quote of the Moment:

"Well, O Mighty Bob. If you not like the human of species then … my … are you create things like of God's planets? With the animal and the people of other such things!!!" - Boris "The Divine Comedy"


Hello! Welcome to NerdCow Productions - the nerve centre of all things Nerd Cow.

Nerd Cow Productions is the evolutionary endpoint that started with Richard and Ivan talking about harnessing the atomic power of bees to stop furniture from taking over the earth, and ended with 2 feature length scipts, a bunch of short scripts and one quasi award winning script.

What do we do here? Well, we are in the business of making movies and music. At least, that's the plan! The first major project we have in the works is The Divine Comedy, followed by A Brave New Logo. You can learn more about that in The Films section, but it is a feature comedy/ satire about an all encompassing fictional religion that has overtaken every aspect of life, pondering Orwellian anti-utopian themes. And it contains a bit of sex and drugs too.

Also, although we primarily set ourselves up as an independent film production group, music is a big part of our lives at NerdCow. While Ivan is our only real musician, the rest of us feel quite passionately about music. So passionately in fact that we have put aside a whole section for The Music. There you will find info on what music NerdCow (well, Ivan) is working on. From time to time there will be downloads and samples of the music. So keep checking back.

You can contact us via email or by visiting the messageboard. Both are fun .

Also - remember the NERDCOW NEWS NETWORK (NCNN) for all the latest news.

Now onto us.

See also: our list of Awards and Nominations at the bottom of this page.

"I'm evolving! I'm evolving!!! I can feel it! No wait.... that's just the bad Indian food I had for dinner.I hate deceitful evolution.

It makes me do wicked things with papaya.

Strange, wicked things"

Ivan Kovac

Ivan is the co-founder of NerdCow and the co-writer of everything we have done so far.

Ivan has been writing and scoring music since long before NerdCow was twinkle in our collective eyes, but he is no less enthusiastic now that there is a cow attached to everything he does.

In addition to scriptwriting and soundtrack duties on The Divine Comedy, Ivan (aka Jonas Chord) is also currently working on his first album. The album will explore such diverse themes as child abuse, drug abuse, divorce & suicide. Heavy stuff to be sure, but definitiely worth a listen.

(Find samples of his music on The Music page. Keep checking back for more updates, coming VERY soon).



"The bee - it tries to love, but it does not know how. So it stings you.But then it pulls out and it dies.


Please visit our sponsors, Cloning Messiahs


i.e. Stuff We've Won (Or Almost Have):

- Finalists (Top 10) in the 2003 Sourgrapes Mini Movie Challenge for the short screenplay 'A Small Distraction'

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All original content ©2003 by NerdCow Productions. :: Please request permission before reprinting elsewhere.
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