Wondering about the interviews and where we came up with this stuff? Let me tell you

It all began when me and my (former) co writter
Dan were RPing on Aol Instant
Messanger late one night and also at the same time discussing random topics associating
with us or anime. Well we were also looking at a cool site called �
Rocket Warehouse
and I thought up about doing something like that. Dan agreed because it was late, he was
tired, thus making Dan vulnerable. So we started discussing the ideas and comming up
with things that night, it was fun. Then the next morning Dan didn�t realize he agreed to
anything last night because he just wanted to sleep and went along with me, but he stood
by his word and then we launch out first interview based on Interviewing the Sailor
Scouts. Dan wrote the very first one while on AIM with me so we both had ideas and
things that should happen, and of course I got my two cents in and editted my own lines.
After that I wrote the Villains interview, Dan wrote the two pokemon ones, and then I did
the rest of the writting. Well Dan who critizes himself and his work always looks on the
down side of things so he kept thinking his was terrible, but me and him gave out the
links to our friends just because of  �its up already and its too late�. Contrary to Dan�s
criticism of his own work, our friends seemed to like them. Dan then redesigned the page
for us and submitted the link to the nice people of �
Anime Web Turnpike� to see if that�d
boost the views we got on the page since it was too late going back. After awhile Dan
kept putting his writing for the Interviews because of his �
Malachite and Dan� page and
other works he tried to do. Plus too he went through writers block finding it harder and
harder to come up with ideas, he wanted people to like them and find them funny. So he
decided it was for the best and caught me by surprise when he quit. Yeah, sure I was sorta
in a jam thinking of what am I going to do now and who my new co reporter would be. I
doubt people would�ve liked it with just me asking questions. So after some time of going
to a chat to RP, I met this girl Amanda. It was when I was in my Cowboy Bebop phase, I
was role playing as a Spike and she just happened to be a Faye Valentine at the time. So
we got along so well and such, she happened to become my new co reporter. After all of
that, here�s where we are today!

Behind the Interviews
What the...?
Go Back to the main page! Now! Shoo!
Hey folks, this was the last interview Dan was working on and I got it from him! Behold .. the Tenchi Interview!
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws