This website is dedicated to the employees of the Western Research Center, whose high caliber of knowledge, professionalism, and commitment will always be acknowledged by everyone familiar with the science that took place there. Most of those that worked there have gone on to apply their skills elsewhere, others have retired, and a few continue their careers with the "new" corporation, Syngenta, Inc. Whichever is the case, this website can be a continuing link for those who have graced these grounds; to be used for maintaining social contacts or as a career networking tool.
From the links below, you can get information about the history of the WRC Research Site, search a database containing contact information of some of our members, post messages to a site bulletin board, find useful job hunting information, and more. The members' database is password protected and is accessible only to former WRC employees. You can request access by sending an email to the Site Moderator (Henry Leong). Be sure to include your name or other information that will confirm that you had worked at the WRC.
Enjoy your visit and come back often.
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