Draya Maranasa's History
Draya was born in the woods near a small lake, deep in the forests south of Goldwyn. There she lived alone for six years with her mother Kaede Maranasa. She has never know her father as he disappeared before she was born only let his wife Kaede know where and why (this is classified info =P). Shortly after the child�s sixth birthday, tragedy separated her from her mother in the form of a feral black dragon. Kaede was only able to hide her child with the help of the salni before her life was taken from her.

Draya was left as an orphan. The salni guided her to the near by town of Goldwyn, There she soon found herself under the care of a healer named Ever. She cared for her and took the child on as her own. But Goldwyn was a very dangerous and shady town, and Draya went through many trying ordeals there.

Draya was attack by a vampire in her sleep and was now afflicted by the vampiric curs, but not fully. A deep power in her soul... left there by her father to guard her, kept her from being taken in fully. But it was only her will that remain unchanged. She was heart broken, she tried to drink the blood of her new mother, something was wrong in her, she could no longer see the sun, her life was cast into darkness.

After some time of living this hard to control, and torturous life, the salni led her back to the wreckage of her old home, where she was met by the spirit of her mother; there she stayed for a week, suppressing her vampiric curse with the aid of the lord of the light salni. She was now free again like and normal girl to see the sun. But every now and then... she would still have bloodlusts... and her fangs would come out.

Draya soon found one who she could trust as a father, Jered Anith. He was a very powerful man with a pure heart. He was able to final remove all the effects of the vampiric cures. The bond between the two of them strengthened. He was given the chance to revive one soul from the dead, and he chose to bring back Draya's mother, Kaede.

Kaede, with help from the great number of salni that had started to fallow Draya around, started work on rebuilding the home which the dragon had ripped apart. But this time she built the home much grader and larger than it had been, so that they could take in many of Draya�s new friends when they needed a place to stay.

Draya was tricked by the sister of Jered's wife. She was a vampire and looked identical to the sister Draya trusted. The vampire's attack revived the sleeping remnants of the vampire essence still inside Draya. Now she was back the way she was the first time, and the lord of the light salni would not help her again.

Draya's friends got together and devised a plan to remove the vampiric essence once and for all. They decided that they would take Draya and they would split her into two being, they would separate the vampiric Draya from the pure one, as the power her father left kept them from becoming one soul. As soon as the vampire was split from her they attacked it and won. They left confidently. But they soon found that they did not kill it that night. The beast looked just like Draya but with a black twisted heart, but some how. Still naive like a child and week to enchantment, thus giving Jered the opportunity to bind the actions as the one they only knew as, "Akuma"

Years passed and Draya was now 8 years old. Many of her friend were now scattered across the lands, living out their lives. And it was once again, down to Draya and her mother. They took in an orphan child who was around Draya's age. But the child was possessed by a powerful spirit locked within him. And soon it broke loose, it killed Kaede before any one of the salni, or Draya could do anything. Jered had died in a journey almost a year ago, Draya was left alone again.

Akuma returned, the ward on her actions had faded long ago due to Jered's death. And she had found a new power, the ability to stop the salni just by her whim. She was outraged at the death of the one she too looked at as her mother and took it all out on Draya. Draya barely made it out safely with the help of her guardian familiar given to her long ago by Jered's wife.

Draya now found herself in the village of Tanglewood, the safest and furthest place her familiar, Mehomata, could take her. Now Draya is under the care of the Mayor of Tanglewood, who Draya has attached to like a big sister. Here she lives happily, though her heart still bears many scars from her past.
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