Fables of The Self

Distance and Glory

I do not nurse a grudge
about life without you,
the difficulty is that
life is not life without you.

These relics and monuments,
as poetic expressions,
stand mute witnesses
to their past glories,
and like that drop
at the corner of your eye
speak volumes in silence.

In our myopic vision we stumble
and see one another
in wrong perspective;
we fail to transcend our pettiness
and reach those heights
from where tall trees and
dwarf shrubs appear the same.

However, it is never too late,
one waits in patience, in love;
for all follies and frivolities
come to naught in the flow of Time.

The Path

The roots and fruits are attached
to two ends of the same string,
the string that cannot ascend vertically.
It coils and recoils in spiral fashion,
giving rise to illusion of duality.
But soon, the fruit merges with the soil
and the sapling starts, afresh,
its spiral journey towards the sky.
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Those Youthful Days

Beyond the seven clouds
the hero gallops on his horse
with victory flag fluttering high;
the lady blushes in her heart
as she waits in her celestial hut,
on the moon, with the roof of stars.

The sage on the earth below,
bemused in his contemplation,
remembers his own past,
when beyond the seven clouds
he also had once galloped
with victory flag fluttering high.

Contrasting Styles

Have you noticed the flaw
in that Buddha's sculpture?
It smiles in meditative pose but
reflects: 'why does the world suffer?'

The wise man pats me on the back
and says: 'It's no fault, my dear,
when a thought finds its answer
it turns into a smiling demeanour'.

all poems by c s shah

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