Woo Woo
My name is *Neo*  I�m a Great Dane.  I live in a small town in Utah with my family.  I�m gonna be so big when I grow up.  I�m only 4 1/2 months old right now. I'm still little... I have two sisters, they are my big sisters, they love me so much, and I love them too... 
I also have a mom and dad.  They tell me I�m a pretty special little guy and that  they are so glad I came to live with them.  So I try really hard to be a good boy, and ya know what? I must be a good boy, cuz everybody always hugs and kisses me, and tells me I�m good... 
My family made this place for me, so that everyone could see how cute I am,.  So have a look around, and meet the rest of my family, and let me know how you like my place in space...
Woo Woo

This is me on my very own big boy bed.
Scooby-Doo ya like my sheets?
This is me with tape on my ears.  When I don�t hold my ears up
like mom says I�m supposed to, mom puts tape on them.  She says this is going to make me a handsome fellow.  No what?  Shhhhhhh, I can hold my ears up all by myself, I just pretend I cant cuz, I love for mom chase me around the house with the tape *snicker*.  You should see her chase me, It's
This is the day after my ear crop surgery...
When I looked like this, my sisters called me the "grand poopaw"
My mom put this chair by the window for me, cuz I�m not tall enough  to see outside *yet*.  I like to sit here and watch for my dad to come home from work, and watch for my sisters to come home from school... 
Sometimes I sit here and watch my neighbor's cats play.  Mom says I can go and play with them if I want to, but I would rather not cuz, don�t tell anybody,  they scare me a little bit...
Another good reason for the chair, safety.   Hey, that vacuum sounds really mean!...
18 weeks old
60 lbs
This is how I looked when my ears were still floppers.
13 Weeks
Ear Tape
Catch The Puppy To Go To The Next Page
This is me, camping.
My favorite part of camping is getting snuggy-warm in my sleeping bag
...Oh ya, and  *toasted marshmallows*
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