Setsuna's HTML Codes

Many people have asked me 'how did you add these codes' and 'what is the code for this'. Now, to answer all of your HTML and Javascript Code questions so I won't have to keep answering e-mails about this, I will post ALL of the HTML codes I know; from the most basic to the most complicated. Please do NOT re-distribute these codes unless otherwise noted because I did not make or take credit for any of these codes. If you absolutely MUST have these codes, please put a link on your page somewhere to *Setsuna's Senshi Page* or to Setsuna's HTML Codes by adding a text, button, or banner link. Set all links to:

To use these codes, remove the stars that are in the codes because that is not part of the actual code.

Having Something Aligned


<*p align="center"*><*/p*>


<*p align="left"*><*/p*>


<*p align="right"*><*/p*>

Adding an Image

Change the filename.gif to your file name. gif or jpeg (whatever the image format is).

<*img src="filename.gif"*><*/p*>

To Make the Image Centered

Change filename.gif to your file name.whatever (change.whatever to .your file's type 'format').

<*p align="center"*><*img src="filename.gif"*><*/p*>

To Make the Image have Text when you put your Mouse Over It

Change Your Text Here to the text you want the image to have when you put your mouse over the image.

<*img src="filename.gif"*><*p align="center" alt="Your Text Here"*<*/p*>

To Add a Hyperlink to the Image

Change to what ever link you want to have. Also change filename.gif to your filename and file format (type) and change Mouseover Text Here to whatever text you want the image to have when you put your mouse over the image.

<*p align="center"*><*a href=""*><*img
src="filename.gif" alt="Mouseover Text Here" border="0" <*/a*><*/p*>

Adding a Hyperlink

Change to whatever link you want to link to.

<*a href=""*><*/a*>

Adding a Mailto Code

Change e-mail address here to your e-mail address or another e-mail you want to link to.

<*a href="mailto:e-mail address here*"><*/a*>

Making a Hyperlink Centered

<*p align="center"*><*a href=""*><*/a*><*/p*>

Having Your Text Change Colors Mouseover

Add this code between the <head> and </head> tags after your webpage's title.To change text colors change #whatever to the hexadecimal color you like (refer to bottom of this page for hexadecimal colors).

A:link {text-decoration: none; color: #66CC00;}
A:visited {text-decoration: none; color: #66CC00;}
A:hover {text-decoration: none; color: #FF9966;}
A:active {text-decoration: none; color: #FF9966;}

Striked-Out Text

Change Text Here to whatever text you want to be striked out.

<*strike*>text here<*/strike*>

Centered Striked-Out Text

Change Text Here to whatever text you want to be striked out and centered.

<*p align="center"*><*strike*>text here<*/p*><*/strike*>

Underlined Text

Change Text Here to whatever text you want to have in Underlined typing.

<*u*>Text Here<*/u*>

Bold Text

Change Text Here to whatever text you want in Bold typing.

<*strong*>Text Here<*/strong*>

Italic Text

Change Text here to whatever text you want to be in Italic typing.

<*em*>Text Here<*/em*>

Form Button Code

Change to whatever link you want to link to.

<*form method="link" action=""*> <*input type="submit" value="Click Here"*><*/form*>

Horizontal Line Code



Downloading Code

Change filename.whatever to your filename and the file's format type (Ex-

<*a href="filename.whatever*> Click Here to Download <*/a*>

Colored Table Code

Change Table Content Goes Here to your text or images, and change <*font face=Arial size=2*> to <*font face=your font name size=the size you want*>. Also change #whatever to the hexadecimal color you'd like (refer down to hexadecimal colors at the bottom of this page).

<*font face=Arial size=2*>
table content goes here

E-mail Form Webpage Code

Change Put question here (all numbers) and put something here that requires a long answer and the A yes no question goes here to your questions. Also change mailto:your e-mail address to *mailto:[email protected]* (your e-mail address).

<*form method="post" enctype="text/plain" action='mailto:your email address'*>
<*input type="hidden" name="To" value="your subject for email"*>
Put question # 1 here:<*br*>
<*input type="text" name="question:" size="50" maxlength="100"*><*br*><*br*>
Put question # 2 here:<*br*>
<*input type="text" name="question:" size="50" maxlength="100"*><*br*><*br*>
Put question # 3 here:<*br*>
<*input type="text" name="question:" size="50" maxlength="100"*><*br*><*br*>
Put question # 4 here:<*br*>
<*input type="text" name="question:" size="50" maxlength="100"*><*br*><*br*>

Put something here that requires a long answer:<*br*>
<*textarea name="Subject of text area" wrap=physical rows=7cols=46*><*/textarea*>
<*br*><*br*>A yes no question goes here:<*br*>
<*input type="radio" name="your question1"value="Yes"*>Yes<*BR*>
<*input type="radio" name="your question1"value="No"*>No<*br*>

<*br*><*br*>A yes no question goes here:<*br*>
<*input type="radio" name="your question2"value="Yes"*>Yes<*BR*>
<*input type="radio" name="your question2"value="No"*>No<*br*><*br*>

<*input type="submit" value="Submit"*><*img src="spacer.gif" width=5 height=1 alt="spacer"*>
<*input type="reset" value="Try again"*><*/form*>

Adding Background Music

Change filename.mid to your filename.mid or .wav (depending on file type).

<*embed src="filename.mid" height=63 width=148 autostart=true*><*/td*>

Scrolling Marquee Code

Change Text Here to whatever text you would like it to say. Example of a Scrolling Marquee:

This is a Scrolling Marquee! ^_~

<*marquee*>Text Here<*/marquee*>

Stuck in Frames Code

Example of Stuck In Frames Code:

Stuck in someone else's frames? break free!

Stuck in someone else's frames?<*a href="index.html" target=_top> break free!<*/a*>

Hexadecimal Color Chart (not my website)

Crayon Box: Color Picker

Have any more HTML or Javascript Codes you want to donate? Please send them here.

Do you have a question about the Codes? Please send them to Setsuna.

Some codes were kindly provided by Lissa Explains-HTML for Kids , Funky Chicken HTML and The JavaScript Source.


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