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and yet she incessantly stands on her head
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About the site

In the beginning, there was this job. And Neogorbash was compelled to take a crash course on HTML comprehension so she could keep this job. There were migraines, eyestrains, carpal tunnel syndrome... and all those codes that truly drove Neogorbash to tears. Surely there must be a better way to learn, thought she, as a song about a horse's ass chanted in the background.

But as they say with old dogs, Neogorbash was too WYSIWYG to even think about a career shift. So she decided to give the session one last shot using a favorite, favorite subject in the whole world, and phoom. Five pages were up, running, with links properly linked to. The mentor approved. This was the story of a super force enabling Neogorbash to complete the course with a decent passing grade. Everyone? Everything is possible with the help of Voltron... Defender of the Universe!

It took several more years to fully understand picking reasonable freebie website providers, uploading files, and all things ftp goobleydookies... but that story's for another website.

About the site owner

Neogorbash is still a displaced cubicle dweller assigned to churning out materials that sell a variety of boring products (guaranteed money back). Before that, she's often seen under the shady trees that grew by the UST soccer field, playing D&D and exchanging comicbooks with fellow slacker souls. And before that, she was a back-page-of-the-notebook doodler since first grade who graduated to Voltron themes three years later -- about the time when Some Kind Of Wonderful was being shown, the John Hughes ouevre in which she appreciated the name of Eric Stoltz's character (though she wasn't able to make the Rolling Stones connection to everybody else in it until two years later when she inherited, informally, a huge stack of ancient phono albums from an uncle).

But she digressed.

Neogorbash misses the chicken and tacos at Pollo Loco in Megamall. She is not Keyser Soze.


Legends Of The Denubian Realm © 2005 Neogorbash.

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