SGT Luis Roldán-Nerris is 21 years old and continues a family tradition of serving in the military.  His grandfather of his mother’s side served in the U.S. Army during the Korean and Vietnam Wars.  He was born in San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico, lived in Meriden, Connecticut, and enlisted at the age of 17.  On March 2, 2005, Roldán-Nerris returned to enlist for an additional period of 4 years.  He performs his service in the infantry units and has obtained two Medals of Honors (Purple Heart) for heroic services during the current Global War on Terrorism.

            SGT Joshua Vásquez enlisted in 2001 at the age of 20 years.  This California, with roots in Sonora, Mexico, and is assigned to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma.  Vásquez performs his services in an artillery camp and has won a Purple Heart for deriving plans in an attack on an airport in Bagdad, Iraq.  Now, 23 years old, he has returned to enlist because he desires to guide troops under the rank of Staff Sergeant, an achievement that gives him something to look for.

            SPC Susan A. Rosales was 18 when she enlisted in the U.S. Army in March of 1997.  Being Latina of Mexican heritage, she went through a very difficult conversation with her father – a Vietnam War veteran – that joining the Reserve way very appropriate for her.  Since taking off, she has experienced serving mostly for her father and permits to be a good example for her two daughters.  She performs her duties as a “Troop Program Unit Soldier” and obtains a career, benefits for her education, and has thankfully volunteered to her service.


Desempeñar – to perform any duty or promise, to discharge, to transect

Lograr – to gain, to obtain, to succeed, to procure, to compass

Criarse – to create, to give existence

Guiar – to guide, to conduct, to show the way

Desear – to desire, to wish

Derivar – to derive

Obtener – to obtain

Unirse – to join, to unite

Convencer – to convince, to demonstrate


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