Reflection on Past/Present Verb Conjugations


           This assignment was assigned during our current chapter in our Spanish book involving doing actions onto yourself.  This assignment was done by changing the –ar or –ir endings of the verb to the yo (I), tu (you), él, ella, o usted (he, she, or proper you), nosotros (we), and ellos, ellas, o ustedes (them) forms.  To make the action of th everb be done upon yourself, the se part had to be moved before the verb in the same form of the pronoun (me, te, se, nos, se).  For example, lavarse (to bathe yourself) was conjugated to its present forms of yo me lavo, tu te lavas, él se lava, nosotros nos lavamos, and ellos se lavan.  Its past forms are yo me lavé, tu te lavaste, el se lavó, nosotros nos  lavamos, and ellos se lavaron.

            From this assignment, my knowledge of the past possessive and present possessive forms of verbs was reinforced.  What I disliked about this assignment was since I was conjugating each verb the same way each time, it got very boring about half way through.  If I were to change what I did, I would write the English translations next to the conjugations so I would remember what each one meant; setup wise, I would not change anything about the assignment.  This proves my mastery of this ESLR because by strengthening my knowledge of these conjugations, it will help me to achieve my goal of getting an A on the later test on these verbs.


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