Personal Reflection of Tenth Grade At EHS

            My tenth grade year at Eastlake High School was a completely new experience for me.  My whole life I’ve been used to attending school on the traditional schedule, nine months on school and three months off.  Upon returning from my three year stay in Japan and getting situated with housing and moving in, my parents and I decided to check out the school, where we unexpectedly found out that Eastlake ran on the year round schedule meaning I was five weeks behind.

            To add to the surprise, I was quickly thrown into uncharted territory with my participation in my first AP class, European History; here, I mainly experienced the amounts of reading and writing essays of a college class.  Yet I survived and am proud of myself for completing the initially overwhelming class but I would earn a “B” in the class, meaning another new feeling – not receiving straight A’s.  Yet in all of my classes, I feel I have grown up very much because I have learned new concepts and ideals and even gone through a revamping of my study habits.

            Outside of class, making friends was even harder than the AP class; for the rest of the first quarter I did not have anyone I could consider a “friend,” but merely acquaintances; it was not until mid second quarter where I would have a group to hang out with.  On joining the wrestling team, I went through the experience of having to fight for my spot on the JV team; in Japan, I only had to go to practice to make Varsity because there were so little people.

            All in all, my tenth grade year went well; it had its ups and downs, but I managed to grit down and withstand all that life threw at me during this year.


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