Community Service Reflection

            For the school year of 2004 to 2005, I performed community service in both a mass sitting and in short spurts.  The mass quantity came during the San Diego Holiday Invitational Wrestling Tournament; from the days of December 17 to 18, I performed various tasks such as cleaning the mats and keeping score and time during matches.  Over the two days, I believe that my peers and I worked very hard because I saw myself and the same people working at their same tables doing the same tasks for eight hours straight, stopping only for lunch and to set up the mats for the championship bouts.  At the end of the two days, the mats were rolled up, the gym was cleaned, and I had earned thirty hours of service.

            The short spurts come in the form of my present participation in the Mater Dei Church Choir located in Otay Ranch.  Since October, I have been attending practice every other Tuesday and singing at the 11:00 AM mass that same Sunday.  At these masses, we are usually in the mass for an hour and a half (and are even standing for about an hour!).  With every other Sunday plus the special religious day masses, I have collected twenty-five hours.  All in all, I have so far collected fifty-five hours and am still gathering more.


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