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The Neapolitan Mastiff 
Prolapsing nictians gland  or more commonly called Cherry Eye. 
Cherry eye is found in the Neo, as in many other breeds such as the Shar-Pei, the
Cocker Spaniel, Basset hound, ect. But more importantly it is a prolapse of a gland on the third eyelid. It is not a big deal, other than a "pain in the butt" to make arrangement to have it taken care of at your Vets office. A simple operation that takes about 5 minutes, to "snip it out". Tacking the gland down is NOT recommended in the Neo, because of the very loose skin, and stretchy tissue just stretches and rolls over the subcutaneous layers. And the gland pops out again.
Advanced Cherry Eye  
(Covering the whole Eye.)
Cherry Eye is a common amongst Neapolitan Mastiffs. 
This is not a "major" problem, but more a pain in the butt to have fixed.
To See Pictures of a Cherry Eye Removal
Click Here.
Warning these are graphic pictures
Cherry Eye - is a prolapsing nictians gland--More commonly called "Cherry Eye". This
        condition involves the dog's thrid eyelid, which is called nictitans. When the nictitans
       protrudes or "Prolapses" it becomes visible, exposed and prone to injury and infection. The current thinking favors surgically tacking the nictitans into proper position rather than  removing it, thus avoiding the problem of developing a chronically "dry eye".
                  It is seen more commonly in Cocker Spainels.  
*** BECAUSE the Neapolitan Mastiff has very loose and stretchy connective tissue, it
is recommened by Many Breeders to REMOVE the gland, as opposed to tacking the gland down. This should be consulted by a vet familiar with the genetics of the Neapolitan
Mastiff, if this is unlikely, I would suggest putting your vet in contact with a vet who
knows the Neapolitan Mastiff, By asking breeders who their vets are, and if they have
dealt with this type of problem with their vet. And what they did to correct it.
To See Pictures of a Cherry Eye Removal
Click Here.
Warning these are graphic pictures

Breeders who have tried to "Bred" out the cherry eye problems found that in a short time,
They are mearly breeding a dog that looks like a large Pits or Cane Corso. Understanding
the genetics of the Neapolitan Mastiff, also tells us that the Neapolitan Mastiff has loose
skin, wrinkles and loose connective tissue.
If the Neo is bred without these traits, we are no longer breeding the Neapolitan Mastiff. 
More on Cherry Eye Here.. Home Remedy used by Megadogs... 
More Eye Problems that maybe found :
Ectropion - This condition is seen most 
   commonly in Hounds, Saint Bernards and Cocker Spaniels, Occurs when the Lower 
   eyelid drops away from the eye. In some 
  breeds a certain degree of eversion of the 
    lower lid is considered normal and is a 
   breed characteristic. However, condition, 
   which leads to chronic conjunctivitis and 
  excessive tearing, is undesirable in breeds without any degree of eyelid eversion being called for in the standard. In extreme cases, a surgical tuck maybe performed to remove loose skin of the eyelid. 
Affected animals should not be bred.
Entropion - In this opposite condition from 
ectropion, the eyelid rolls or folds inward 
with the eyelashes rubbing against the 
cornea. The cornea may become scratched, scarred or infected resulting in loss of 
vision. Surgical correction usually is necessary and involves the excision of a 
small amount of tissue to cause the eye to 
remain in a normal position.  This condition 
is seen most commonly in the Labrador 
Retriever,Irish Setter, Bulldog, Saint 
 Bernard, Newfoundland, Chow Chow, 
Great Dane,Chinese Shar-Pei. 
Affected animals should not be bred.
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