Information Highway
Helping you learn about our breed
The Neapolitan Mastiff

Italian Dynasty

Cherry Eye
 I am not a vet, or have no other credentials other than I own, and have had experience in
this area regarding the Neapolitan Mastiff. If you are unclear on how to do this it is not
recommend you try this.


To start, you will need the following 3 eye drop medications:
ATROPINE:   You can get this from your vet.  It will aid in the relief of any pain, or discomfort associated with the eye.

OCCU-HIST:  You can buy this over the counter at your local pharmacy. This will aid in allergy relief for the eye.

PREDNISOLONE ACETATE:  You will need to get this from your vet, or a
prescription for it, to purchase  from your local pharmacy.  ( I dont think most vets will carry this product.  However, you can use other drops with a steroid also)  This will aid in the shrinking of the gland.  DO NOT use a steroid on any eye that has an ulceration!!!  This will make things worse!!!

It seems that the sooner you detect the "popped" gland, the better chance you will have for success.  If at all possible, keep the drops on hand for the occasion.  Just apply the drops, and check back on the dog in a half hour or so.  Most times the gland will be gone.  If it comes back up, retreat it and see how it goes from there.  I have had an incredible amount of success using this technique, but it is not 100%.  If this doesn't work, my vet has taken this method one step further.  She will numb around the eye area, and literally push the gland back in with her finger, in conjunction with the drops.  You can repeat this procedure as necessary also.  If it doesn't work, its back to to usual remedy for the problem.  Snip the gland out.

I pretty much stumbled on to this remedy, so it may not be what every vet would recommend, but it has worked unbelievably well with my dogs so far.  Of course, most vets wouldn't recommend removal of the gland either, but we all know about that.  I would like to hear of anyone else who does have, or has had success with this method.  Hope it helps out.

                             Steve  at :  [email protected]

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