Stuff I Don't Dig

Now included here are some comedy monologue rants where I choose to elaborate on some of this. Take none of it seriously.

I really hate....

Dr. Pepper
Being broke
Having to live on Tang and Grilled Cheese
When the action on Nitro or Raw gets at its highest, then "We're outta time!"
Root Beer
Some Chain Letters
Woody Allen Movies
Having to stay up and write papers
Trying to write a script before someone else writes the same stuff
Having to listen to people talk about Buffy and Dawson's Creek every Wednesday morning
Not having anybody to talk about Saturday Night Live with on Monday morning
The Redneck Battle Cry(Whoooooooooooooooooo!)
Chunky Peanut Butter
When my roomate clogs up the toilet with his massive dumps
Having people tell me gross things that I could have gone my whole life without knowing
When the Phillies lose
When The Force doesn't work
When I'm the only one who wants to go on the rides at the carnival
When people mess with my kids
The lack of good quality Saturday Morning Cartoons on nowadays
When McDonalds starts the Monopoly game and I get addicted to Super Size Value Meals
Almost getting hit by buses on my way to Taco Bell
The new rates for Cosmic Bowling
When people say DC Comics suck
Not having a car for the past eight months
Having to say, "She went out with him but she wouldn't go out with me?" so many times
The fact that MST3K is no longer on Comedy Central
Not having a job
Not having dates on the weekend
When my guitar is outta tune
The fact that there can be only one
When video games get delayed for years
When old people criticize today's movies
When I get in trouble for just telling people what I hear
When I gotta whack somebody
The fact that Chris Farley is dead
My low self-esteem
My low self-confidence
The idea of Nicholas Cage playing Superman
The Atlanta Braves
The Dallas Cowboys
Having to sleep in my car when I stay out late
Having to move every year
The rising cost of coin-op arcade games
Mask Squeeze
The Olive Garden
When Buster gets into the trash
Aisle Number 10
When my computer freezes when I'm doin a paper
When my computer freezes when I'm talkin to one of my kids
When I don't have all the answers
Paper Cuts
The fact that Titanic is the number one movie of all time, beating Star Wars
When people react with, "You didn't see it? Where have you been?" upon hearing that I have still not seen Titanic
Yellow Snow
The fact that I bought a Saturn and the game that I bought it for is not even coming out
Being the only one online
The fact that the trunk of my car won't stay up on its own
Being shot at
Not being able to balance my checkbook
Having good clothes but never having a reason to wear them
When AOL says my account is signed on, though I know it isn't
When people feel the need to shit a brick over controversial interviews I conduct and flood my mailbox with hate mail
The Crazy Preacher Guys
Guys who think they know macho
Not being able to get to sleep
When people forget I exist
When I don't recognize people cause I'm not wearing me specs.
When Hillbilly Jim lookalikes whine about the little damage I do to their hillbilly trucks when I accidentally hit them on a rained out road
When I get distracted and forget stuff
Forgetting my umbrella
When my plans to do stuff fall apart
When I can't feel my legs
When I can't feel my ass after spending hours in this computer chair
The thought of Bob Dole's viagra experiments
When people stop caring
When people have no regard for the feelings of others
Being here all alone every night
Not havin any company
Losing money outta my pants
When people don't get it
Conflicting plans and schedules
Having trouble making eye contact with people
Working outside in hundred degree heat
Getting caught
When people find out shit about me that I don't want anyone to know
O.J. Simpson (I hope his kids pull a Menendez on him)
Not being able to get Coffee Flavored Coffee anymore
Thinking of my future when I know it will suck
Not being able to take compliments
Not being able to trust people
February 6th, 1997
September 25th, 1997
When people trash-talk my kids
When I have to pretend things
Annoying Guests
This whole overexposure of the Prez.
Closing Shift
Conflicting Schedules
The Back to School area
When people leave me hanging
Saving money to buy a car
Being everyone's "Poor Friend"
The poor selection of food at Food Avenue
Picking the wrong week to stop smoking
The fact that girls don't even see me as "a guy"
People who don't know what they want
People who don't try to understand me
People who don't try to understand why I do the things I do
Former friends who think all is hunky-dory
People who take things
People who dick me out of things
People who make me feel like I'm worthless
Sittin around waiting for others to get their shit together
When school thinks they know how to teach film and video
Design I
Parking Meters
The Commute
Slacker Partners
Not getting enough hours
Having to worry
Being tempted to smoke
My one inch thick mattress
My slow-ass computer
When my Nintendo 64 just dies right in the middle of a game
Being caught in the middle
Freezing outside trying to decide what to do
Remembering how bad it got
Psychic Headaches
Reverting back to the Josh I used to be
People mistaking bruises for other things
Getting pathetic looks
Hearing, "I told you this would happen" so much
Throwing away money on bad habits
People who play games with me
Doing things I might regret later on in life
Revealing too much
When supplies don't last
Feeling used and worthless
Not finding anyone who wants to go to Woodstock
Wondering if it was someone you know or not who did something
When people call out
When people delay shows because of "sensitive material"
Insincere Apologies
Inventory People
When I'm the only one who shows up
When I run out of bubbles
Cleaning up after parties
Financial Aid
Movie Critics
Whisper Twins
The Dark One
When stuff goes on in the room above where I'm sleeping
Not getting mail
Random Chat Psychos
Topless Snobs
Beachcomber Tough Guys
Beachcomber Employees
Garbage being everywhere
Paying $4.00 for a soda.
The Sun being around when it's inconvenient
My conscience kicking in when I'd rather it not
Being able to read the minds of those who bear ill will
Snooty Finanical Aid People
The job market
Being outed
Not getting to see the whole picture
My libido beating out my wallet
Being labeled as a drop-out
People who don't take care of themselves
Long rides
Sucky Airplane Food
Dead Banana Rat Smell
Banana Rat Feces
Banana Rat Squeals
Iguanas who live in my car
Not being stamped
The GTMO Guy to Girl ratio
The selection of goods at the NEX
Beer Bellies
Not finding time to go to the gym
When my car gets dirty.
When my car gets infested with spiders
Craving WaWa at 3am
Giving my number out to Scuds
Being too out of it to seize the moment
Having more important things to do
Getting woke up by Duncan
Getting woke up by telemarketing calls
Not knowing what to say
The fact that stuff costs money
Liking people opposite of myself
People with conflicting views in my ear
Waiting for my stuff to get here
Not having enough room for my stuff
The Ad
When Target stays open till 11pm
Riding on C-130's
Forgetting my ATM pin
When people change their minds about me
Cigarette burns
When people hack into my computer
Dougall Computer Lab
Boring campus life
Having to see an advisor
When people have to drive me home
When people refuse to see my side
People who are vague
Route 22
When noone wants to go anywhere
Transfer credits
Sozio Hall Furniture
People who's sleeping habits differ from my own
Not updating this thing for almost a year.
Having to think back to all the stuff that has pissed me off in the past year
Sucky food at Breezy Point BOQ
Not being able to drop off certain friends at the NEX
When people pressure me to do stuff on my cam
Fast Company Marines
When my friends don't respect me
Not getting a chance to show what I have to offer
Being used as the "date for the parents"
When the hospital barracks hottub doesn't work.
Getting thrown into the hottub fully clothed.
When there's no sound on my computer
The broken plug on my monitor
When disks lose data
Trying to find a place to take the GRE
The Princess of Pot
Blowing my money on bad investments
Not being helped when I need it the most
When kids get conceived at the parties I throw at my house
Having to cockblock for my sister
Not being able to say what I want on the radio
People who don't surrender when they should
Getting freaked out on August 23, 2001.
Hotel fire alarms
AIM shutting down
Shannon lives in Northampton, MA.
Angela and Ashley live in Milwaukee, WI.
Social Research
Dr. Israel's teaching methods
September 11, 2001
The campus entertainment at Kean
When people hide their illegal shit in my belongings
Being too honest on livejoural

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