These pics are stricly of my marines.
If anyone can tell me how to make thumbnails on geocities...please email me so i can figure out.  Also..only pics that show whole units will be placed, or character models.
So far..i will only have a top view pic of my land raider for now and a veteran squad.  I am still having to get my army icon made into a won't post anyother pics of my army on here till i can figure out thumbnails with links and have my decals placed on my marines so they will be finalized...and of course whole unit pics.  But you can get the idea of my colors.
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The one missing a weapon is to have a plasma rifle which was still being painted at the time.  I used heads and some sprues from the Space Wolf Frames to add some celtic character to my army.
Note..all my marines without helmets have them attached to them.
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