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Wimbledon 2000

Jelena Dokic dft. Brie Rippner 6-2 6-1

Q. Well played, you barely had to break a sweat in that one.

JELENA DOKIC: Yeah. It was a fairly good one to get through. I played quite well. I didn't give her any chances, any space to get in the match. It's good to get through. No matter if it's a tough one or easy one, you always want to get through, you know, in an easy way. But it was good to get through that one. Played quite well.

Q. Can you tell us why you're so suited to grass, why you like the surface so much?

JELENA DOKIC: I think, first of all, my game is suited to grass. You know, I really like playing on grass. It's a fairly fast surface. It suits me. I always seem to play well here. Hopefully I'll continue like that.

Q. Are you aware of the history that's going on the Centre Court right now with the Parade of Champions?

JELENA DOKIC: Yeah, I was just watching it in the locker room. I didn't want to come up here. It was interesting. Yeah, it looked great, to honor all of those who have done so well here.

Q. Mentally do you find it more difficult getting into an event like this or do you find as it progresses round by round that it's getting mentally more difficult or easier for you?

JELENA DOKIC: I think for me the more matches I play, the better it is. Like I said - I've always said this - every match that I have under my belt,
it's better for me. Mentally I think I have good concentration and I'm mentally tough. The further I go in the tournament, I think the better I'll play; the better mentally I am, as well.

Q. Do you think you're sending out a message to the other players that you're somebody they should contend with?

JELENA DOKIC: Yeah. I mean, I think the further I get, the better it is for me. I've got nothing to lose out there. The two years that I've played here, I've always done my best results in a Grand Slam. I think, again, I have a good chance this year. The draw has opened up a little bit. But, like I said, I have to take it a match at a time, you know, just worry about myself and about my game. I definitely think the further I get, the more dangerous I think I'll be.

Q. Was your dad with you today?


Q. You looked as though you broke to love on her serve the first time when he arrived on court. Is that anything you were aware of?

JELENA DOKIC: No, not really. No, I think I struggled a little bit in the game before at 1-All. It was like 30-All, a few tight points. It was good to hold then. I just said to myself, I knew this is the game to break, really get ahead. I knew if I could do that, I'll be on top of her and on top of my game. That's what I did.

Q. Are you repeating a lot of the same routines as you did last year?

JELENA DOKIC: I'm a little bit superstitious. I'm not too serious about it. I have a few things that I do the same.

Q. Can you tell us?

JELENA DOKIC: When I'm on the court, I don't walk on the lines. I wear the same dress, the same outfits, a few other things. Like I said, I'm not too serious into that. If I'm doing really well, I do a few things.

Q. Are you staying at the same accomodation?


Q. Looks like Kristina Brandi is coming through. Do you know much about her?

JELENA DOKIC: Yeah, I've played her prior. I think if I play well, I can get through. Again, it's on grass. I think I can get through that one if I play well. Again, you know, the further you get, obviously the tougher it will be. Still there are very tough opponents. It's a Grand Slam. But I think I can get through that one. I'll work on a few things that I need to do against her. Hopefully I'll get through.

Q. What are the results between you two? Did she beat you or did you beat her?

JELENA DOKIC: I think it's 1-All. I beat her once, she beat me once. I think, again, I played really well here this week, probably the best I've played. I've had some good results lately, but I feel really good at this tournament. Every time I step out there, the crowd is behind me, so hopefully I'll continue.

Q. You haven't played on grass?

JELENA DOKIC: I played last week.

Q. We've heard from Alexandra Stevenson, how tough her first year on the tour has been. Yours for a slightly different reason hasn't been a bowl of cherries. Is it remarkable that you're able to put things out of your mind when you step on the court?

JELENA DOKIC: No, I think my first year has been great. I don't feel like she (does/doesn't?) want to play on the tour anymore, because I think she says she doesn't enjoy it. But I enjoy being out there. I enjoy playing. Even when you're not doing so great, it's been fine for me. In the locker rooms, I talk to players. I try to have as much contact with everybody as possible. I play doubles with everybody. I just try to be myself, but then sometimes might not go the way you want it. But I think my first year has been great. I've really enjoyed it.

Q. Has your dad had any message for you after today's victory? Did you speak to him?

JELENA DOKIC: I saw him, but we didn't speak about the match. Obviously, it's always great when you get through. No matter if you're playing well or not, it's always good to get through. We'll probably talk about it a bit later on, worry about the next round.

Q. His presence, does that really sort of boost your game?

JELENA DOKIC: I mean, it's me playing. I think it's always good to have support on the side of the court. But, again, it's you who's playing; it's you who's either going to win or lose. That's where I think you've got to be mentally tough. Whoever is on the side of the court's not going to help you win because you're the one that's going to have to play. It's always good to have somebody, you know, especially somebody from the family. He gives me a lot of support, yeah.

Q. For one reason or another, your profile has been heightened this week. Do you feel that the crowds are actually behind you for one reason or another?

JELENA DOKIC: Yeah, I think they are. I've had a lot of support, both singles and doubles. Today it was great. I think a lot of people are behind me. Hopefully it will stay the same way. I've always had really good support here, even last year and this year. They've really helped me.

Q. Any idea why that is?

JELENA DOKIC: I don't know, to be honest with you. Like I said, every single court that I play on is packed, both singles and doubles. Seems like everybody supports me when I'm playing, are really behind me. That feels really good knowing that people are behind you like that. For me I think that's very important, I do have somebody out there that, you know, enjoys what I do, that really like what I do.

Q. Quite a few Aussies this morning giving you a shout.

JELENA DOKIC: Quite a few actually. They're great. You know they're Aussies, you can see it - hear it, too. You know, even beside them, there were a lot of supporters, as well. They were here last year, as well. Everywhere I go, there's always Australians somewhere that support me.

Q. What are you up to on your day off?

JELENA DOKIC: Probably get a bit of a hit in, maybe go see a movie or something, just get away from it a little bit. It's been a good week for singles and I guess doubles, as well - but mainly singles, that's what I'm concentrating mostly on. I've got to stay focused, but to get away from it a little bit, you know, do something else.

Q. What kind of movies do you fancy?

JELENA DOKIC: Anything really. I'm not too picky. Whatever's good. Saw The Gladiator a week ago. It was really good. Yeah, whatever's out, I'll have a look at it.


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