Now this page is a little weird, I guess it's like the meet the author page.  When making this page, I was unsure whether to make it totally unique to the rest of the site, or to follow the same pattern.  This is also like the, "About Me," yeah....
Mission Statement
This site is dedicated to every boy, man, girl and woman out there who was called different.  For every person labled freak, for all of you guys who hate yourself at times for what you are.  For all of you individuals suffering alone in the dark.  For those of you who tell yourselves, "I rather be honest and alone, then fake and popular," every time you see that prissy fuck.  For the ones who see those assholes, the ones who call themselves freaks because it makes them feel popular.  You know who you are, and this place is my tribute to your pain.  Secondly, this site is for anyone who wishes to come to, and learn about me, why I am, and what gets me through the day.  And lastly, this place is for curious people to learn about Goths without having to go through donor lists, or vampiricly brainwashed RPers to freak out on them. 
Things I Like
Things I Hate
Talking about Life and Death
Being around people...
Anime, Fantasy style is best...
Dogs and Animals...
Being in Nature...
Black Leather....
All forms of Art...
Metal Music, all forms...
Helping people out, believe it or not...
Being An Individual...
Having Balls, the guts kind...
Having the Rep I have...
Being the Kind of Person I am...
Knowing what I am...
Knowing Who You Are...
And That What Made Us Suffer Alone, Makes Us Strong As One...
Being by myself
People Who Betray you
Fake "Freaks," I see so many nowadays...
13 year old girls who look for indentification by "Going Goth"...
Girls who date assholes for no reason...
When people stare at me...
When little kids point at me and and tell their moms I'm weird looking...
Pop music....
Gangsta Fucks....
Putting myslef below others...
Having a conscience...
Trying to be a good person around all you assholes...
Not having the guts to kill myself...
My name...
First off, the most of us are fucking blind.  You think that because of the number that is your age is growing, you are too?  You think those damned digits growing, but are you growing as well?  Fuck no, age ain't nothing but another damned number that most people can't understand.  People don't do numbers, 5 out every 4 people have trouble with fractions alone.  So drop that shit at the door, and onto my next thought.  If you are so damned smart, why are you here, you already know what to think and how to deal with your problems, you don't need me to help out, not at all.  In fact you might cause problems that you don't even know about.  Your very existance is flawed because you create yourself, and thusly are the one thing that you, most likely, hate the most in this world.   To create pain for yourself and others is something that should never be overlooked, causing pain can help out when you are in need, and it can defend you from attack.  But to cause pain to others who do not deserve pain is foolish and only makes this world that much shittier, if you're like that, and do so on purpose, call me so I can show you what real pain feels like you stupid shit.  And thusly, don't come here anymore, you are not wanted.
Since you came all the way down here, my site's name means this
Be What You Are, In Night Or Day...
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