Alfred Ashford is Alexia's twin brother. When Alfred found out that Alexia was going to deep-freeze herself, he was devestated. He convinced himself that Alexia was still alive, so much so that he thought HE was HER! When you first supposedly meet Alexia, you find out that it was actually Alfred in drag. Of course, you can't tell though, since they're twins and Alfred is a very talented ventriloquist.
Alfred, throughout the game, is trying to hunt
Claire down with his sniper rifle. He travels to Antarctica after Steve and Claire in his private jet, still talking like his sister. He is about to shoot Claire when Steve comes, and shoots Alfred. He then plummets down a cliff. Twice.
      However, Alfred is not dead. He staggers into the room where Alexia is deep frozen, to see his beloved sister one last time. He falls on the steps to the deep-freeze capsule, and cries out, "Alexia!" This activates the thawing process and Alexia awakes. Then Alfred falls limp on the steps.
Name: Alfred Ashford
Good or Evil: Evil
Age: 25?
Characteristics: Blue eyes, blonde hair.
Relatives: Alexia, Alexander.
Occupation: Head of Umbrella
Co-Workers: Umbrella Staff
Attire: red Titanic-like shirt, white pants w/ red stripes
Abilities: his Sniper Rifle
RE Match: Alexia! No, that's just gross. Um... I don't know.
Notable Quote: "Redfield! How dare you interfere with my operation?!"
Demise: that meanie Steve and his submachine guns (I'll get Burnside for this.)
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