Albert Wesker was the mission leader of the STARS Alpha Team. He acts rather awkward and mysterious in RE1, and disappears strangely. Later you find out that he was secretly working for Umbrella. His job was to lure the STARS members into the Spencer Mansion, so Umbrella could test out their BOWs (Bio-Organic Weapons; zombies and other monsters, etc.) However, Jill, Chris and Barry interfere with his plans and he ends up either being impaled by the Tyrant or decapitated by a Chimera. So he's dead. Or is he?
Months later, when Chris Redfield arrives on Rockfort Island to look for his sister
Claire, he is confronted by a man in sunglasses. "Wesker? You're... alive?" Chris is angered by Wesker and goes to punch him. But oddly Wesker uses some Matrix-like movements, eludes Chris and begins to choke him. Chris smacks him, knocking off Wesker's sunglasses. His eyes are  yellow with black slits. Wesker had sold his sould to another Umbrella rival, HCF. He was injected with the virus, therfore could cheat death. His mission was to retrieve the T-Veronica virus from Alexia Ashford's body. Alexia comes on a computer monitor and Wesker lets Chris go.
Later, when Alexia and Wesker meet in Antarctica, Alexia smacks him around until he can escape. In the Battle Mode you found out that Wesker escaped from Antarctica on a submarine. He also managed to snag a sample of the T-Veronica virus from Steve's corpse. Now, our heros and heroines are threatened by the outbreak of another virus (RE4? I don't know yet.).
Name: Albert Wesker
Good or Evil: Evil
Age: 38
Characteristics: yellow cat eyes, blonde hair.
Relatives: -
Occupation: Previously STARS leader, HCF Employee
Co-Workers: used to be Barry, Jill, Rebecca, Chris
Attire: sunglasses, combat boots, black pants and jacket
Abilities: Matrix movement, super strength, can jump over fences and run on walls s
RE Match: I still think he & Alexia would make a cute couple.
Notable Quote: "Hehe. Long time no see, Chris."
Demise: Impaled by Tyrant, decapitated by Chimera, but he's not dead yet.
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