A Girl and Her Love of Anime...
I've re-vamped the old site, as I had time to fix it up a bit.
To the right, you'll notice my links have changed a bit, and I have added a low-tech page for my writing. On a side note about that, inspiration for my creative side comes from enjoyment of life, anime, gaming, some very special friends, and the love of my life. Well, enough about myself.
I hope to add a page for Fan-Fic shortly, and change the writing page display.
For now, here's the story of the meager beginnings.
My writing instructor is very strange. He insists that we understand the writing process completely; in fact, he just gave an entire hour lecture on what the writing process is and how it works. As I sat there, only half listening as I do most of the time in class (or anywhere else) and thumbing through the first 3 chapters, a light bulb suddenly came on. He was talking about the thesis in an essay and what it really was. I stopped reading my book and critically listened to what he had to say, because I didn't really know what a thesis was. Listening, it occured to me that I was afraid of a thesis and didn't really understand what it did for my writing. It took me back to a particular day in middle school, when I received my test on grammer and sentence structure back. At the end of class, my teacher asked to talk with me about my score. He told me that I was the only one in class who had completed the test perfectly and began asking about my writing. Did I write anything other than class assignments? Did I enjoy it?. I said I wrote poetry and thoughts mostly, which was ok. He suggested that I join the school literary magazine, and submit some of my poetry to it, so I did. A few months went by and I had a poem published in the school magazine.
There began my mistake of pride...
All through middle school and high school, I was brillant in my english and writing classes, so much that I fooled my teachers into believing that I understood exactly what they were teaching me and simply didn't apply myself. My attitude torwards essays was that of unconcerned casualness. An essay wasn't hard to write, at least not after the initial blank paper "show-down at the desk coral". I was of the opinion--secretly of course--that I really couldn't write a good essay; that I really didn't know HOW to write an essay. But teachers insisted I knew what I was doing, giving me "A"s on my essays when I bothered to turn them in. When I bothered to turn them in...I felt as though it was just a bunch of organized B.S., which the teacher would then mistake for a good essay. I didn't want to admit the truth about my sham and besides, they thought I knew what I was doing so, I must be doing something right. Mostly, what bothered me was their demand that the essay have a thesis. That is where we clashed, and where I never asked the right questions. I perceived a thesis belonging to some scientific or mathmatical research paper, or to that published paper on a new theory acadamia requires of those studying for a doctorate; not to some pimple-faced high school student's english essay.
After sitting through this writing lecture today, I know what I should have known 10 years ago. Thesis statements are a part of ordinary conversation. They belong in the smallest of papers, in descriptions of activities, in politics, in science, just about anywhere you can have a discussion about a subject you have an opinion on. I don't know exactly what I was so afraid of, perhaps it may have been that I was afraid to ask for fear of looking incredibly stupid in the eyes of those I wished to impress. Whatever the case may be, I understand what a thesis is now and have a confidence in my writing that I never thought I would have.

and that concludes my humble beginnings.
you know you want to...
(insert sadistic smile and whip cracking noise here.)
Hmmm, reminds me of myself when I got a hold of my Li'l Bro's guitar and began learning a dream theater song...only, I was playing left handed.
Writing page: Read me!
My Fave Band
Sakura Con!
A cool gamer hang out/zine
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