Alyssa's 2nd Birthday
We took Alyssa to the zoo for her 2nd birthday. And it was interesting to say the least. Not one of our kids were in a good mood. Most of the pictures say it all! It all started with us trying to get a picture of them all together. Alex wanted to say cheese and Alyssa wasn't having it. Thats why she has her hand on his mouth in one of the pictures. So we tried to get a picture of the birthday girl. Well she crossed her arms and walked off! Then after opening presents, we tried to have cake. You just can't do birthday cake outside here. Just like at Jacob's birthday party everything kept trying to blow away and Alyssa "pretended" to blow out her candles. Then Alex got upset because he didn't get to pick out which peice of cake he wanted. And if you know Alex he can on and on about something for hours! And then once he got over that we had to listen to him fuss about being hungry because he refused to eat any cake or chips. Well then Alyssa had to pitch her daily fit because she wouldn't sit down in the wagon. And then Jacob wanted to go home, he was bored and tired and we were all glad to be home!!!!!!!!
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