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              Previous : Happy but tired  Next : So much has happened

Mid Autumn


great day... with minor imperfections... but all's well ends well! =)

had a minor disagreement with brother... but hopefully things could be fine by tmr.. =)


had Band auditions.. then off to home I went!


missed home actually... got to see daddy... had dinner.. crapped with Charlene... Malcom... and Casey.. ah.. my nephews are all so cute!! hahaha...

they are so going to be heart breakers man... and plus their voice are all breaking... hrm... so proud of them actually... I've always wondered what it would be like if they grew up... hahaha...


came back for costumes for a while... and off to play Lanterns and sparkles! =)


had so much fun!!! taking pictures... singing songs.. was very very hyper... played with sparkles... candles... had our little fun by throwing the sparkles up into the sky... across to another building... hrm... but got into trouble later... geee...

at one pt of time they were quite tempted to throw me off the building.. hahaha coz I was jumping around like crazy... =)

threw the lanterns away in the end.. but it was money well spent!

anyhow... Jenson was really nice! =) hrm... thanx for your concern!  cheer up cheer up! =)


was in the rain for a while so am feeling a bit sick now.. hrm...


everyday I tell myself I'm not going to be sad... until now I've been able to do that... *gleam with pride*

but everyday I find myself falling for him more..

everyday I'd tell myself I must must must not like him that much..

today... I thought I could do that... could actually stop liking him.. hrm...but I realised that... that would not happen.. coz everytime I see him... my heart goes out to him... haha... silly me...

which is why I like bugging him so much.. something to look forward to! =)


told Shuzhen that I really really like him... and I mean it... but it doesn't mean I'm going to be sad all the time... hrm.. no doubt I would feel like crap sometimes... but neh.. I won't be defeated!!! =) *determined*


1 week... 2 week... 3 week...


sometimes I feel like giving him a hug... haha.. coz he's so cute! but sometimes I really feel like punching him.. coz he's soooo lame!!! argh...


haha... but I'm happy! and I miss him! haha.. but gotta be contented with what I have now... shan't push it!


Happy Mid Autumn Festival everyone!

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