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              Previous : 01/07/03   Next : 03/07/03


I'm obsessed with my fats now... sigh.. have come to realised that I have put on a lot of weight (bout 4 kg) ever since I got to Japan.. my belly is looking no good... can you imagine Brandon's belly on me? sigh.. well try.. coz now my belly is quite like his... =( have to do lots of exercise to get rid of them... so that does it.. no more bikini shopping until I lose weight.. and looking at the way I'm eating now.. I don't think I'd ever get to buy my Bikini.. sigh.. bad news.. bad news... even brother gave me that very shocked look... saying "mei, you're very fat now.. and I mean it.. '" darn... how??? diet will not work coz food is my source of comfort!!! *tasukette!!!!!* 


ooo... I had nice dream... =) dreamt of Jin Cheng Wu!!! hahaha... coz I keep seeing him in Telephone advertisements... =) it was a sweet sweet nice dream... =) 

For Paul's Information.. he's an actor... =) 


First stop to Muddy Onsen!!! heh... I am a pig today.. with the fats and mud and stuff... have you guys ever tried bathing in mud??? well.. I tried today... its gross.... gray.. gu-ey.. supposedly good for the skin and stuff... plus all you have to do is to soak yourself in the mud... for around 20-30 minutes and wash it off... heh... I felt totally insecure.. coz there were like dead insects floating around in the mud.. plus you can't see anything that you're sitting on.. so its pretty freaky.. but nevertheless.. fun... my skin did feel darn good after that... there's this open air one which is mixed.. didn't dare go out coz I didn't have a towel big enough to cover my asserts.. according to brother and daddy, a lot of guys were outside with a few ladies wrapped in towel.. heh.. later I went out to take a look... it was a big place! and I saw naked guys... hm... quite unsightly I must say... another time was when I was walking out to the resting area... was just glancing around wondering if daddy and brother were done... I saw a guy standing naked inside the guy's onsen... geee.. I swear I never meant to look... got a big shock... geee... anyhow.. the mud itself varies in temperature.. some are pretty hot... nearly got burnt... 


Jigoku onsen


Jigoku = hell

the onsens there ranges from 80-90 degree Celsius... of course they're not meant for bathing... went to one which is fit for bathing... it was beautiful... there's one indoor.. one outdoor.. and one on the top floor... where its open air and you can see trees and stuff... great~ the water temperature was just nice... 

lots of tourists hang around there coz of the hot springs... they have 9 hot springs... visited 4 today.. shall continue tomorrow! its quite amazing to see them.. the different colours... all natural! =) impressive... 


happy fact : Paul called~~~ =) but was in cab with daddy & brother so sounded hostile.. but very happy coz I called him back~ =) take care baby~ *hugz*

sad fact : due to the acid in the onsen.. my ring turned black... =( 


another happy fact : morning when we bath in the Onsen inside the Ryokan.. coz its bright.. and you get to see the sea just outside the window!!! =) Happy~


*skin feelin' smooth*


Previous : 01/07/03   Next : 03/07/03





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