Gerbils As Pets
   Mongolian gerbils are ideal pets for just about everyone.  They are great for those who have plenty of time to play and admire.
    Gerbils are social animals, meaning, if you are considering a gerbil as a pet, you had better consider more than just one.            Gerbils are lively, "durable", curious, and friendly animals who adore being loved.  Yet, even though they are "durable", gerbils are not a recommended pet for children under the age of 8 or older.  Severe supervison will be required for children under the age of 8 to ensure no accidents or injuries occur to either the child or the gerbil. 

  Petshop gerbils are not recommended due to the fact that they are usually not as healthy and may be sick.  Contacting a breeder is a much better option and finding one in your area is easy. 
     Deciding between male and female all depends on how many gerbils you want.  Starting with two is a must.  Male gerbils are less aggressive and can live in groups of up to 4 or more.  Females are better left in groups of no more than 3.  Either sex makes a wonderful pet.  If you decide to breed, please goto our breeding page before getting your gerbils.
    Rough handling ( usually done unintentionally by young children) can cause the gerbil to bite in defense.  How hard the gerbil bites depends on how severely it felt threatened.  Gerbil bites are no laughing matter if they get a hold of you good and being bit hard by a gerbil, or any other animal, is not healty for a child.  This is why we recommend gerbils as pets for those that are 8, or older, and supervision for those under the age of 8.
    Gerbils are rather inexpensive to own and love. The only part that can be pricey is when you first acguire your gerbils, their cage, and all other accessories.  After that they require very little money for upkeep and very little space, depending on their cages, making them ideal pets for those in small houses, apartments, etc.
     When choosing a gerbil, you need to take into consideration whether you want males, females, or are thinking about breeding.  Where you get your gerbil is very important too. 
Caring For Your Gerbil
Breeding and Genetics
About the Clan and its Families
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