Gabby's News

Gabby's News for January 24th, 2000

I'm taking some lessons on my instructor's horse while Jeff is laid up. Her horse is wicked sitck compared to Jeff and hard on the mouth. It's really easy to canter on him since all I do is sit there and he canters until I say stop.

I've been accepted to Bennington college, my top choice, with a fatty scholarship based on my grades. I went to Japan for two weeks with my Japanese, close friend durring christmas break and in April I will be rowing the eiry cannal in my single (like a crew boat for one person. Think skinny and long.).

Jeff is looking really good but he still gets the rest of the winter off to be sure. Come spring I hope to be riding him for he has much to catch up on: from flatowork to demonstrating a medieval charge for my school in full costume. =)

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