Chapter 5

Tyler moved away from the door of Dameon's office.  He hadn't heard much of the conversation but he figured he'd been interrogating another suspect.  He knew Dameon was burning with passion to find his sister's killer and that scared Tyler.  It scared him a lot.  Suddenly, the door opened and a startled Dameon stared at Tyler.  "I thought you went home," he said.  "Um, I forgot something," Ty said and rushed into his office.  'He's getting weirder every day,' Dameon thought to himself.  After he had finished his conversation with Mr. Allens, he'd made a list of the possible suspects.  He'd written down Mr. Diaz, JoAnn Kennedy, Roger Stephens, and the janitors from the ice rink.
Dameon didn't know why he had written down Mr. Diaz's name but he felt he had to talk to him.  He got in his car and drove to the teacher's house.  It was a two story with brick siding and a grey-slated roof.  There was a small garden along the front of the house and stone path from the driveway to front door.  Dameon took his time getting out of his car and cautiously maneuvered his way along the path.  Once he arrived at the creamed colored front door, he rang the doorbell and waited.  Out of the corner of his eye, Dameon thought he saw the curtains in the bay window part for just a fraction of a second.  Then he heard the lock on the door click and Mr. Diaz appeared.  His hair was disheveled and he looked like a zombie.  "Can I help you?" he asked wearily.  "I need to talk to you," Dameon responded professionally.  "If it's about Kara, I didn't have anything to do with it," Ricardo said matter-of-factly.  Dameon was speechless.  'How does he know that I wanted to ask him about Kara?' he thought to himself.  "Well, you are suspect until I hear your alibi," Dameon managed.  "Come in then," Ricardo motioned.  Dameon crossed the threshold and surveyed the interior.  It was a light cream like the door except for the tall mahogany grandfather clock in the corner.
"Please sit," Ricardo said clearing off some papers from a recliner.  Dameon sat on the edge of his chair.  "You want an alibi.  Fine, the night she was found I was out with my girlfriend on the other side of town.  We were eating dinner at The Ch� Restaurant and bar, celebrating our six month anniversary," the man said briskly.  "Rick, who's here?" a young woman asked as she walked in.  "Mel this is Officer Redding," the teacher explained.  "Officer this is my girlfriend, Melanie Winston," he continued.  "Hello," Melanie said pleasantly.  "Hi," Dameon said, not moving.  "If you're asking about the day that Kara was found, we were at The Ch� Restaurant and bar, celebrating our six month anniversary," Mel said.  'I believe you," Dameon said to Ricardo.  "Thank you.  You've lifted a great burden off my shoulders," Ricardo replied.  "I thought you might have suspected me and I was waiting until you confronted me," he added.  "Thank you for your time," Dameon said and he showed himself out.
As he was driving along the highway, he passed the ditch in which he had found Kara.  He closed his eyes to ward off the tears.  Suddenly his cell phone began to vibrate on his belt.  He pulled over to the side of the road.  "Hello," he said.  "Dameon, this is Kevin Jackson, with forensics," Kevin said on the other end.  "Hey Kev, what's up?" Dameon questioned.  "You need to get down here ASAP," Kevin said firmly.  "Why?  What did you find?" Dameon asked, his voice rising in pitch slightly.  "Just get down here ok," Kevin said and he hung up.  A bit confused, Dameon clipped his phone back onto his belt and pulled back onto the highway.  He headed for the forensics building all the while wondering what Kevin had to tell him and why he couldn't tell him on the phone.
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