Gundam Wing

I UPDATED!!!! WOO-HOO!!!! Yee-Haa! Check out all of the pages, they are almost all done!!! OoooOOoooOOooOOOooOOoOOOoOOOo.. TiMmAy-ToM made me a Gundam movie!!!  ~Lazulite

I ask you my friends... where is Heero's hand... where is Trowa's other hand?!

                                     I WANT ANSWERS!!! (hee-hee)

Duo Maxwell

Heero Yuy

Quatre Raberba Winner

Trowa Barton

Zechs and Treize

Chang Wufei

Okay, each of these little links will direct you to some info on each of the characters, and inside of those specific pages, it will direct you to the *goods* e-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh...^;~

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