Quatre Raberba Winner
'The prince in the desert'

Oh, come on, we all love Quatre, especially Trowa *wink* Quatre is the kind of guy that girls can talk with for hours at a time. A kind of 'girlfriend' if you wish. He is the fourth gundam pilot, his name also meaning four, and he pilots the Gundam Sandrock. *hee-hee* He is a wealthy Arabian Prince, although he looks nothing like that of Arabian backround, and well, is probably the sweetest guy next to the ever-so-comical Duo. He is the only son of his wealthy father, and has over twenty sisters. Wow, Christmas must be really fun there... His only intrests seem to be the one and only thing that he can't buy. Trowa. He seems to have fallen in love at first sight with the tall, dark and handsome pilot of Gundam Heavyarms. 

Quatre and Trowa - EXPOSED!!!

The Winner-Barton Files

The Winner-Barton Documents

Inside of Quatre Raberba Winner (don't take that the wrong way ^.^;

Tea Time with Quatre (hee-hee-hee)

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