Welcome to my heathen and heathen ways page. It has taken me some time to locate the facts on what is heathenism. From what I can find on-line and from the library, heathens can basically be defined as hearth dwellers. A hearth can be a firepit or any kind of open hearth cooking fire. I think the two best concepts that sum up heathen's is to look at the religion of asatru, which is a norse heathen/pagan belief, and by looking at Cro-Magnon man. Both groups were hearth dwellers, but the Norse/Vikings were more cultured and defined with a religious pantheon of gods and goddess's(ASATRU).

      I think
Jean Auel (CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR SERIES) portrays this species of man very accurately in her earth children books. For those of us without evolution,cro-magnon man predates Homo sapiens. Our species evolved from their species so to speak.Regardless of evolution, Cro-magnon man had fire, so thus hearth dweller. They believed in a more typical earth based rythum, even employing shamanism to speak with the dead and different spirits.

      Asatru is a heathen/pagan religion whose whole context revolves around fire/war and the norse pantheon of deities. The Norse relied heavily on the use of fire in their symolism and in their daily lives(COOKING AND KEEPING WARM). The Norse were a war like clan/group that conquered many coast line towns, and they can even be thanked for having discovered North America way before Columus was even born. Gods like Odin and Thor dominate this religion. The Norse had a god or a goddess for many different occations, but most of them rotated around war like belief structures.

      The following is a basic overview of heathen and heathen ways. Sorry this is only basic, but my understanding of this is very limited. I even had problems finding intersting links.


Click on the fire icon to the right to be taken to a basic introduction into heathenism. This page is full of usefull information about asatru and has a good reference section on different styles and belief structures that comprise the heathen religion. This is PAGAN TRADITIONS webpage, and it will help explain asatru and heathens better than I ever could.
Click on the icon to the right to be taken to a truly awe inspiring page. I am a strong believer that the time has come for all pagans to take a stand for their personal right and freedom of religion. It has come to my attention that the television soap opera called PASSIONS is slandering our religion and it has created a negative image of what witches and paganism are all about. I strongly support the HEATHENS AGAINST HATE campaign. I urge all heathens and pagans to support this noble crusade. In the immortal words of Roger Waters "UNITED WE STAND,DIVIDED WE FALL"
Click on the icon to the left and this link here will take you to a page called ASGARD. It is a page that has a good encyclopedia on all of the Norse and Viking deities and their realms. It has many kewl and exciting links to a wide range of asatru beliefs. I recommend that anyone interested in this form of heathenism, look into this page. Happy hunting.
Click on the bubbling cauldron to the left to be taken to WODENSHARROW. This is a webpage designed to help people explore the many different faces and masks of Odin, ruler of the Norse Deities. I have provided a link here basically due to the art and poetry that is contained on this persons webpage. Norse art and poetry has generated many fine saga's and epics throughout it's history. If poetry and art are your thing, then I highly recommend that you look this webpage over. It also has many fine links to further your knowledge on this subject.
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