Now that you have a better understanding of Balance and Duality, it is time to talk about how balance and duality are based with energy manipulation.
       Energy fits right into our previous topic of balance and duality, because energy is a duality with balance. Energy is nothing more than atoms, and atoms are comprised of protons, electrons, and neutrons. Protons are positive charged, electrons are negatively charged, and neutrons are not charged(BALANCED). The three sub atomic components, spin around each other in an orbit of sorts held together by a specific center of gravity. The positively charged proton, repells the negatively charged electron, which in return repells the proton. This is a positive versing a negative, and it is a duality. The neutron has neither a positive charge, or a negative charge, but ends up being a thin grey line, that is the balance between the two extremes. Now lets look below to give an example of basic atomic structure. 
Example #1
Example #1, is an example of what an atom looks like. Picture in your minds eye that the proton is the yellow line, the electron is the orange line, and the neutron is the grey line. This is an example of orbits and rotational force. In theory, this is how an atom would look as the three sub atomic particles spun around each other. The blue area is an area of a specific center of gravity. This blue area is what earthed based relgions manipulate when they do magick.
           Now that we have a more visual representation in our mind to aid our understandings, we can proceed thru the rest of this knowledge. Energy comprises atoms. Everything physical(MATTER) is constructed from atoms, so thus everything is constructed of energy. When we look at this, we have to understand the first law of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics states that "Energy cannot be created nor destroyed,only transfered from one state to the next(a manipulation)." With this first law of thermodynamics we can assume that a state of equilibrium has been achieved. Since energy cannot be created nor destroyed, a homeostasis is relevantly important here. A state of utopic oneness is evident in this duality(creation vs. destruction).There is a paradox that is very important to understand as well here. If everything is energy, and energy cannot be created nor destroyed, then where did all of this energy come from? This seems to be a metaphysical question in nature with quantum physic applications.The paradox lies in the nature of our understanding. The underlying point is that everything is energy, and where did all this energy come from. Christians tend to think their one god created this,and they may very well be correct, but the scholar in me needs to have the knowledge of the universe to aid his daily causes so I ponder and learn.
        Pagans and other earth based followers understand energy and how it works.They understand that everything is energy and as such it can be manipulated. When I reach my state of mental balance, and I focus and concentrate on the energy within me, around me, and thru me, I can manipulate the energy to do my will. Another important concept in atomic theory and the manipulation of energy is spacial dimensions. We have talked about atoms, now we need to concentrate our minds on understanding the vastness of this energy. If I asked you what the distance between the Earth and the sun was, some of you would tell me interstellar space(SPACE). Those of you who answered space, give yourself a big hug. If I asked you what is the distance between a proton and an electron, would you also answer that that distance is also space? If you answered yes, you are correct again. The question is how can this be so. In order to answer this question you need to reflect back on balance and duality, and metaphyiscs with quantum applications.This duality here is the macro vs. micro.The macrocosim is that which we recognize as the physical world.The distance between the Earth and the sun,would fall into a macroscopic approach on life.The distance between a proton and an electron, would fall into a microcosmic philosophy. If energy cannot be created nor destroyed, and if we understand that microcosmic and macrocosmic are a duality with balance, then we could conclude that everything is one in the same, all things being constant and equal. We are all apart of each other for we are all energy. Look at the infinity symbol. It is a 3 dimenisonal spacial circle just seen with a twist and from the side. Notice that it is a circle and a constant.1,2,3,4,5............................... INFINITY. A constant variable.
        Example #1 shows this microcosmic vs. macrocosmic duality. If you look at the
blue area(the gravity field) in the example, you will notice that there is another sub-atomic stucture in the center doing the same thing as it's outter companion.I do not have all the answers to this at this time, but I have tried to enlighten you on the basic concepts of duality and balance thru the manipulation of energy. The manipulation of energy is happening now as you use your mouse to scroll down on this page. You are using your conscious ability to command your hands to scroll down. The thoughts you have are sending bioneural energy to nerve axions,which relay via dendrites to your muscles to do a certain action. Energy can also be manipulated in non physical ways. My kind realize that a specific center of gravity(GRAVITY FIELD) can be manipulated. We understand that larger objects tend to attract smaller objects. We understand that this gravity field that is generated, passes thru all of us, for it is what we are. We may not look like much, but on a sub-atomic level, we are all over the place. Once you can accept that we are all linked in an unbreakable chain, and what hurts one of us,hurts our brothers and sisters, then you can start to expand your mind to understand how to manipulate this field that George Lucas has named the force.
        Another thing you should understand about energy, is that it travels in waves. If you looked at a wave, you would notice the duality of the crest vs. trough.The crest and the trough work as one to push the energy along its path. Remember an object in motion tends to stay in motion until acted upon by an outside force. The distance between two crests ,or two troughs,  is called a wavelength interval. It is also important to know that the crests and troughs in wvaelengths can be longer or shorter, this being frequency. Light is an example of wave dynamics. They measure light in angstroms, the wavelength. If you looked at white light you would see a blending of wavelengths to provide you with the colors you are witnessing. If you took a prism and shot white light thru it, you would see a rainbow. Each color of the rainbow is a different wavelength of light.The images you see are a reflection of these wavelength.The reason you look at this type and see purple, is because that is the only color not being absorbed as the light refracts to your optical nerves(RODS AND CONES). Wavelengths also play an imporant part in energy manipulation. Here is where your focus and concentration on balance and duality pays off. When wavelengths match frequency, then they tend to amplify one another creating a resonance effect that builts. If you take a bucket and fill it with water and allow that water to settle. And you then drop a drop of water in the center of that bucket. You would witness a wave, an amount of kinetic energy coursing along the top of the water. When the wave hits the wall of the bucket, then the energy is reflected back to the epicenter(POINT WHERE YOU DROPPED THE WATER DROPLET).
        I hope I have explained this and I did not loose to many of you with all the scientific mumbo jumbo. If i did I apologize. Please look into this more if you do not understand the concepts. There is a knowledge here that one needs before he/she can master the manipulation of energy.
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