The Willow Grove

This evolution's a revolution
against everything I've "known"
lookin' deep inside myself
to find a path that's all my own

This evolution's a revolution
go up against the tide
of propaganda, rhetoric
I will no longer hide

This evolution's a revolution
it's casting off the past
and facing what's inside of me
to find some peace at last!
               His Right

What gives him the right to stare me in the face
make me feel two inches tall... feel so out of place

What gives him the right to corner me like that
make me feel like a child to scold and scowl... the prat!

Who said that he could come into my comfort zone
and fill me with anxiety when he knew I was alone

Who told him he could stomp on my pride and dignity
jumping up and down on every nerve in me

Who gave him the right to rake me 'cross the coals
rip out my beating heart and tear apart my soul

How could he walk out and leave me here to die
my heart and soul left bleeding, no strength left to ask why....
Who Are You?!

Who are you
to say I'm wrong
and damn my soul to hell

When all I've done
is sing a song
and cast a little spell

Who are you
to act all pious
as if you were a Saint

When well I know
the face you show
is phony; made with paint

Who are you
to swindle, steal
touch kids in nasty ways

cheat on your wife
cause good folks strife
and preach on Sabbath Day

Truth be told
I am a witch
I follow the Wiccan path

But what I do
is good and true
and warrants not God�s wrath!
Beginning To End

Mass havoc
Wild men
Screaming panic
Death Stench

Angels sing
Sad songs
Blessed souls
Now gone

Glory nowhere
Winners none
Battle over
War Done
Weeping Leaves by Xavier

both stunning works depicting the solemn beauty of the willow tree.

Trees & Shrubs by Xavier
Willow Grove Entry
Willow Grove Pg. 3
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