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A really fucking old interview with ned
Name: ned andrew brower

Name you wish you're parent's named you: atticus

Favorite song title (or most interesting one you've heard): the last of the international playboys (morrisey)

Are you more of a Gwen Stefani or Britney Spears type of guy? gwen...punk is cool

How many e-mails do you think you get a week?: 0

Favorite place to perform so far: the glass house/troubadour

Favorite new up and coming artist: i havnt heard any...the new pp record has a few good songs

Best job you've ever had: donna karan model

Worst job you've ever had: mervyns model

Do you wear a watch?: yes casio
Are you left or right-handed: right

Have you ever painted you're nails?: yes

If so, what color ;-) ?: red

What CD is in your player(s) right now?: sunny day real estate: the rising tide

What's the strangest thing that's happened to you while with the band?: thank you chino hills

What's more attractive in a female, eyes or smile?: both works for me

In one word, describe what you're weirdest dream was about: sex...duh

What TV show do you hardly ever miss?: blind date

If you could be a fly on anyone, dead or alive's wall, who would it be and why?: robert schwartzman...the kid must pull some sick shit.

What's the weirdest question you've ever been asked in an interview like this?:

What's the most commmon question you've ever been asked in an interview like this?: i dont remember.

Have you ever been to Massachusetts?: never been to mass

Please end with a message you think the world needs to know: thank you world for being nice to me and my friends.


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