-All About Me-
 "Let's just say that if complete and utter chaos was lightning, he'd be the sort to stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm wearing wet copper armour and shouting 'All gods are bastards'."
If someone was to ask me to describe myself in just one word i would probably make up my own new word like 'seredipitable' or 'relaxemenervational'. Or, perhaps they might ask me that silly car question where you are supposed to decide what kind of car you would be if you were indeed inclined to be a car. This of course is supposed to determine all kinds of nifty things about who you are, and what sociopathic tendencies you might have. I'd have to say that I would be the Batmobile, or better yet that nifty car from Knight Rider, Kitt.Yep, a car with brains and a whole mess of nifty weapons, and gadgets and stuff out fighting crime and saving the world that'd be me.

I suppose what I am trying to say is that so far in my life I have been a total failure at fitting in. This is not to say that you can pick me out easily in a crowd, or that I have a hard time making friends. In fact, I look rather unremarkably like everyone else, and have a good deal of friends. I just don't think like other people, and when you get right down to it I don't act like other people. I'd be hard pressed to explain so until I think of a better way to express this I will stick to writing and drawing..

A lot of my poems are about my own life, and others still are about the lives I see around me. A select few our glimpses into a future I imagine for myself and the world, or brief  looks into other worlds entirely. I am hard pressed to stay focused on a single topic, and I hope you can bear with me.

I like to do just about everything, and really haven't found any skill I have not been able to perform with competence. I enjoy writing, drawing, and playing a lot of different games. I have spent most of my life living in the country outside of a small New York town and the outdoors has become my second home. I'm probably the only 25 year old out playing hide and seek on a brisk October night, except of course for all of my friends who go with me. I haven't let go of my childhood at all yet and don't plan on it any time soon. I read an awful lot and remember just about everything I do read. Which leaves a lot of people confused as to how I know so much. But, that sounds too egotistical so let's just say I know I am a bright man and leave it at that.

If I had to tell you what my favorite author, or actor, or musician was I'd first have to warn you that these opinions are subject to change without warning, or rational reason. Right now my favorite author is Terry Pratchet a man who is after my position as really funny smart guy. As for actor it'd have to be Christina Ricci for no better reason then there isn't any other actor that I look foward to staring at for a few hours more then Christina Ricci. sigh. Ah yes, then of course is the obligatory mention of some band that is currently in my favor I'd have to say right now it'd be Sci-Fi Lullaby. I suppose that pretty much sums me up all except for a few pictures of myself, so there you have it thank you and g'nite.


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