Disclaimer: All characters are property of J.R.R. Tolkien, New Line Cinema and Peter Jackson(except when stated otherwise). No copyright infringement is intended and no profit will be made.

WARNING - This site features slash content (usually male-on-male sex) Do NOT continue if that is something that offends you OR if you are "underage", then go elsewhere.

Greetings! And welcome to my Lord of the Rings slash site, "Nectar - Juice of the Forbidden Fruit", dedicated to celebrating the loving union between Aragorn and Legolas! This is where Legolas and Aragorn's bond thrive and grow, discovering their love for one another or just enjoying their lives together. (Don't you think it's about time these two had more fun?! :::smile:::) Let me know what you think of this site and thanx for visiting! = = LadyAna

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