WARNING - This site features slash content (usually male-on-male sex) Do NOT continue if that is something that offends you OR if you are "underage", then go elsewhere.


Hey, all! Would you like to promote "Nectar" on your site? (PLEASE?!) Then copy the code from here to paste on your site...

You can use this pic as a link on your page -

...and THANX so very much!(if this doesn't work, please email me for the code)


The following are some *excellent* links to some wonderful LOTR and Aragorn/Legolas fanfiction, yahoo egroups, manipulated photos and tons of basic info. Mind you, I can't guarantee the stories located there will end happy(:::smile:::), but they are at least great resources for any fan!

Here I will be storing Past Calendar Pictures in case you missed them the first time!
= = Past Calendar Pictures

New Manip City:
= = New Manip City

Thalassa's LiveJournal: (...your membership will have to be approved...)
= = Thals_Manips

= = CactusKim�s Lord of the Rings Manips
(not slash, but still VERY beautifully altered photos of our boys)

.....as a matter of fact.....
= = CHECK OUT CactusKim�s Aragorn/Legolas manip called �Danger Nears�. Let her know how much you like her work.: ( Kim AT flash.net ) I highly respect and adore Kim�s work, so I ask that...BY CLICKING ON THE LINK BELOW, YOU AGREE NOT TO MISUSE, ALTER OR POST THESE MANIPS IN A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE FORUM *anywhere* WITHOUT PERMISSION FORM THE CREATOR. Thanx!


Fieza has been so very wonderful in providing several Aragorn/Legolas Illustrations!
= = Fieza's Illustrations - She can be contacted at avarthoniel AT gmail.com

I will give you only ONE hint - click on the word "slash" that is underlined. The rest of the way to her site ...that is drop-dead gorgeous, breathtaking, mind-blowing, makes you cry and leaves you fainting... is up to you! (let me know if the links are broken)
= = Lassegalenslaire
You have to be friended to view her livejournal:
= = Lassegalen�s Livejournal

= = Lomelindi

This is one of the first manipped sites I ran into - and I still ADORE it to this day! It is stunningly gorgeous work!
= = The Theban Band

= = Uruviel's Argonath: Pictures: Elven Art

Another Aragorn/Legolas site(altho not updated):
= = The Time Given

= = Annon nan Galadh (screencaps)

= = Anuonnen(Mpreg)

= = The Argonath

= = arsenic -n-lace lace livejournal

= = Council of Elrond :: LotR News and Information

For an insane amount of LOTR's information -
= = The Encyclopedia of Arda

= = Faramir Fanfiction (...hey, so I got a thing for *that* Gondorian!)

= = Fanfiction DOT net

= = Haldir Lives -- Craig Parker(...yeah I do LOVE Haldir!)

= = Henneth Annun (story archive)

= = Legolas Greenleaf

= = AragornLegolas LiveJournal

The Slash Site for the Yahoo egroup -
= = "Legolas and Aragorn Slash"

To subscribe to the above list, your membership must be approved. Visit the Yahoo egroup site at -
= = Legolas_Aragorn_Slash

= = Legolas Aragorn LiveJournal

Excellent fanfiction can be found here! Look at my �Bliss in Written Ambrosia� list to read such succulent stuff!
= = Library of Moria

= = LOTR Fanfiction

= = 1)Lord of the Rings Video Clips
= = 2)LOTR Video Clips
= = 3)LOTR Video Clips
= = 5)LOTR Video Clips

= = 6)LOTR Video Clips

If you want to read A/L only with NO smut, no sex and they are *purely* platonic(friends only), then you will like -
= = The Mellon Chronicles

Courtesy of miladyhawke, a true veteran of A/L -
= = Live Journal ElfRanger slash

...also her big rec list of A/L:
= = Aragorn/Legolas Rec List O' Doom

= = Mirrormere Fan Fiction

This is a message from Michelle promoting her site -
= = Never Enough Heros

= = SimarillionHome

= = (VOLA) Viggo-Orli-Legolas-Aragorn Slash Archive

= = AND, let me know if you want to have your site added here! And THANX for visiting!

More links to come! Check back often!

Disclaimer: All characters are property of J.R.R. Tolkien, New Line Cinema and Peter Jackson(except when stated otherwise). No copyright infringement is intended and no profit will be made.

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