Make Money, Do Good and Have Fun! Click Here for the Liberty Dollar at a Discount.

"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. ... This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard." -- Alan Greenspan, Chairman, US Federal Reserve Board, in a 1967 article

Want to make money, do good, and have fun?

Now you can get paid for using the Liberty Dollar!

The easiest way to get the money machine working for you is to become a Liberty Associate and get the Liberty Dollar at a discount and use it at a profit. Plus you get $100 for every Liberty Associate you refer.

What is the Liberty Dollar?

What is a Liberty Associate?

What do Liberty Associates do?

Who are Liberty Associates?

Why should I become a Liberty Associate?

When can I become a Liberty Associate?

Where do I become a Liberty Associate?

* What is the Liberty Dollar?
The Liberty Dollar is a new currency that is 100% backed and 100% redeemable in gold and silver.  The Liberty Dollar, introduced in 1998, is a legal, private, voluntary currency for personal and business use only.  It cannot be used to pay taxes. (back to top...)

* What is a Liberty Associate?
A Liberty Associate (LA) is any individual, business, or organization that has signed the LA contract and uses the Liberty Dollar.  There are no dues, no meetings, no time requirements, and no minimums.  Nor are you required to redeem the currency for gold or silver, as the National Fulfillment Office in Evansville, Indiana, or a Regional Currency Office handles that.  It only takes $250 to become a Liberty Associate, but only "costs" $150.  When you pay $250, you immediately get $100 Liberty Dollars back so you can show the new money to your friends and use it in business.  The person who refers you gets $100 in FRN (Federal Reserve Notes) for referring you, and the national organization (NORFED) retains the $50 balance for administration fees.

You spent $250 and got $100 Liberty Dollars back so now you are upside down for $150, right?  And since you get $100 for every LA you refer, just refer 2 friends, get $200 and now you are up $50.  Refer more people -- make more money.  In fact, with the Liberty Affiliate Program and the Internet, you can refer anyone, anywhere, anytime.  There are no geographic limitations or boundaries.

The Liberty Dollar is NOT multi-level marketing (MLM)!  The LA program is a single tier referrer program, so create as large a base as possible, as soon as possible, do good and make as much money as possible.  (back to top...)

*What do Liberty Associates do?
Liberty Associates make money by getting the Liberty Dollars at a discount and using them at a profit.  Want to make even more money and do more good?  Get more Liberty Dollars and share them with more people.  Simple!  You get the same great discount on all 3 forms of money, be it paper, digital, or the beautiful 1 ounce Gold and Silver Liberty currency.  For example, get $20 Liberty Dollars for $15 and make 25% on your money every time you use a Liberty Dollar.  Simple.  Where else can you get money at a discount and use it at a profit?  Certainly not at the bank!

And if you are in business, you can turn your cash register into a cash machine.  Simply put some Silver Libertys in your cash register and offer them as change.  Just by using them in place of those dreaded $20 Federal Reserve Notes, you can be making money -- making change!  You will quickly find the new currency works as a traffic builder for your business or organization.  (Find out more about becoming a Liberty Merchant.)  (back to top...)

*Who are Liberty Associates?
A Liberty Associate may be your next door neighbor, the merchant at the shopping center, or your child's schoolteacher.  Doctors, teachers, shopkeepers, factory workers, construction workers, managers, office workers, CEOs, and even bankers are LAs.  Anyone who does not misrepresent the Liberty Dollar may become an LA.  Since the Liberty Dollar is a voluntary currency, the qualifications are minimal.  Any responsible person who is interested in using the Liberty Dollar, willing to refer new people, and has signed a Liberty Associate Contract with an email address plus $250 (FRN) for the initial Standard Order of Silver Certificates and Silver Libertys can become a Liberty Associate.  Simple.  (back to top...)

*Why should I become a Liberty Associate?
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." (Edmund Burke 1727-1797)  Using the Liberty Dollar is the right thing to do.

The Liberty Dollar can save our country from the economic hard times of the government fiat money, plus it is profitable and fun to use.  Your referrals can put a smile on your face with every $100.  In a global context, the Liberty Dollar is a local currency that is spreading rapidly!  Introduce the currency to anyone whom you discuss current affairs with, to your community, church, or the businesses where you shop.

Start with the small independent business.  As a true decentralist, the Liberty Dollar's philosophy is to return the ownership of the money to the people as a means of returning control of the government to the people.  A local currency brings stability and publicity to the local community and builds a strong local community as it circulates.  It guards the community against outside problems, protects it from financial crises like inflation, and enables your community, church, business, and family to prosper.

Develop your community's awareness about the positive aspects that a value backed currency can provide for them in any monetary crisis.  Alert your local businesses so that they, too, can profit by becoming a Liberty Merchant and using the Liberty Dollar.  Make money, do good, and have fun.  (back to top...)

*When can I become a Liberty Associate?
Now is the best time for you to protect your money by becoming a profitable Liberty Associate.  Free listing and advertising on the Liberty Dollar's web site is available.  The free Affiliate Program provides the means for easy tracking of the people you refer.  If you want to make money, do good, and have fun, you are encouraged to become an LA today.  Please start using the Liberty Dollar and join the largest, positive, peacetime effort to return America to value -- one dollar at a time.  (back to top...)

*Where do I become a Liberty Associate?
Simply contact NEA Liberty Associates for more information or click any of the links or banners to sign up over the Internet immediately!  Thank you for your interest in our nation's currency.  (back to top...)


Information About Silver Pricing

Make Money, Do Good and Have Fun! Click Here for the Liberty Dollar at a Discount.

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