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Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley

Announcement, February 1999

Newsletter and Announcements of the Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley

Announcement, February, 1999

Big 10 Vote Luncheon
Syracuse-ND Game Reception
Communion Breakfast
Hesburgh Dinner
NDMV--Mohawk Valley Club Website

Big 10 Vote Luncheon

There will be a midwinter luncheon this Wednesday, February 17th at Tiny's downstairs featuring (an attempt at) a broadcast of the Irish Sports Reporters on TV (a video to be played from the Internet through a PC laptop with speakers) dealing with the Big 10 vote, etc.

Syracuse-ND Game Reception

After checking with the Syracuse ND Club, there will be a post game reception on Wednesday evening, February 17th at the Marriott (Carrier Circle) where the team will be staying. Anyone attending the ND-Syracuse game is invited to attend.

Communion Breakfast

The annual Communion Breakfast is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, March 27th with information to follow.

Hesburgh Dinner

Details are still being finalized for the UND Dinner Saturday evening, May 8th following Father Hesburgh's commencement address and honorary degree awarding by SUNY Tech (beginning at 10:00 AM that morning). Weather permitting, we will have a outdoor courtyard reception before dinner (possibly with live Irish musical entertainment) at the SUNY Tech Campus Center. Dinner will follow at 7:30 PM in a room that will accommodate many more people than last year's festivities that were also held at the College.

NDMV--Mohawk Valley Club Website

Don't forget to check our Club's website. The URL is "netword.com/ndmv"


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