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Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley

Announcement, December 2001

Newsletter and Announcements of the Notre Dame Club of Mohawk Valley

Announcement, December 2001

Today's Luncheon
Christmas Luncheon
ND vs. Canisus B-Ball Trip
ND vs. Seton Hall Basketball Trip/Tix

Today's Luncheon

Just a reminder that the viewing of the last weekly Davie press conference will be held on Wednesday, November 28th at Tiny's (noon).

Christmas Luncheon

The Club will have its annual Christmas Luncheon at Tiny's on Wednesday, December 19th (noon).

ND vs. Canisus B-Ball Trip

Bob Jones has put together a bus trip to the Notre Dame-Canisius basketball game on Saturday, December 22, 2001 at the HSBC Arena in Buffalo. Game time is 1:00 PM. Tentative plans have the bus leaving Utica at approximately 8:00 AM that morning and returning to Utica around 9:00PM. The price of the trip will be determined by how many people register. If we can fill the bus with 40 people the cost will be $40.00 per person; if we only have 30 people the cost will be $50.00 per person. The price includes the game ticket and bus transportation. Bring your own munchies and drinks.

To reserve your spot on the bus, please send a deposit of $20.00 per person to Bob Jones by December 3rd, balance will be due by December 15th. A decision will be made on December 3rd whether or not the trip is a "go".

Please send your $20.00 deposit to:

Bob Jones
29 Mass. Ave.
Ilion, NY 13357


ND vs. Seton Hall Basketball Trip/Tix

Bob Jones has also agreed to organize (if there is interest) tickets and/or transportation for the ND vs. Seton Hall game on Sunday, February 3rd.

Go Irish!

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